Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas!

For those who are celebrating, I wish you a Merry Christmas. It's a wonderful time for those who consider the holiday significant. It means a lot of things for a lot of people, but there are many noble things that can be taken from it, no matter who you are. Of course, it really does mean a time to celebrate for that reason, so it is truly welcome, no matter how the celebration is carried out.

Evidently, Christmas for many people, including me, has links to Pokémon. It's a time when Pokémon can be given and Pokémon can be gotten. I have once received a Pokémon game as a Christmas present, and it was something I thoroughly enjoyed. In fact, that particular Christmas was an enjoyable time by itself, though my recollection of that time has started to become vague. In any case I can testify that Pokémon can and does make any Christmas better, especially for Pokémon fans like me.

And of course, there is a solid link in the form of the Pokémon Christmas Bash album. It is as much a part of Pokémon as any other music or media related to it. Incidentally, the history that I have with this album, which I explained near the beginning of this year, has a little bit of a connection with Christmas and holiday times, as I actually got the album CD just a little after Christmas, so it was still within the celebratory vein. Yet the important thing is being able to celebrate, and I was happy then that I got to do it with Pokémon.

In fact, I'm still happy that I get to do it with Pokémon. It's not a traditional celebration - and in a way it's kind of a funky one - but then again, not many things are traditional in my life full of Pokémon experiences. Christmas is a time that encourages peace, and in general, this is a good thing. I find peace also in Pokémon, so having it with me is like having Christmas all year long. It's an esoteric way to think about it, but it works.

On that note, once again, have a merry Christmas for the people who celebrate.

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