Sunday, December 6, 2020

Play Where You Are (or at Home)

I've been meaning to make this post for a while now (in fact, when the second set of "countermeasures" were introduced), but time and resources got away from me, until I finally could make it today. So, with the current conditions, Pokémon Go has instituted the "countermeasures" as refined above, and then again a couple more times. Collectively, they comprise new ways to still be able to play Pokémon Go but remain at home, or wherever one may be. I (and Niantic at one point) have dubbed this "initiative" as "Play at Home", though now it is officially dubbed "Play Where You Are", as in the title. It is summarized on a page on the Pokémon Go web site, and the contents of that are highlighted here.

For the "initiative", there are three aspects, which are "catch", "bond", and "battle". The first aspect of "catch" involves a few things that have the potential to aid Trainers. Incense and the Mystery Box are included here as per their functions, both having been extended to one hour since the start of everything (and still is), along with whatever special events they may relate to, such as Community Day or the Pokémon Home link respectively. Along with providing something to catch, something has to be provided to aid in catching them, and that comes by way of the bonus Field Research task, which is intended to be as such even if it may not seem to at times. The point is that activities for catching Pokémon can continue and be supported at the same time.

Then there is the "bond" aspect. The "bond" involves not only Trainer friends but also Pokémon. To that end, stickers for Gifts to other Trainers are included and to be used for their ability to enhance Gifts and make them compelling to be opened by other Trainers. As for the Gifts themselves, the important thing is that more of them can be held and opened, and if necessary can be supplied by a Buddy Pokémon (though recently this latter bit has experienced some upheavals, which should be detailed later on). Speaking of Buddy Pokémon, it still becomes relevant and even necessary to interact with them through Buddy Adventure to form tighter bonds. Whether Trainers or Pokémon, improving relationships should not only be good but great, and remain key for all.

Finally, there's the "battle" aspect. For this, the important venues are raids and PvP battles. As can be expected, for the former, the most important thing is remote raids that is facilitated by its respective passes and now assisted by the invitation capability. Regarding PvP battles, the easiest and most direct way of battling is through the Go Battle League as the way to challenge Trainers from all over and see how they stack up, especially now as currently no walking is required in order to do so. Those not keen or prepared for the Go Battle League can still battle with friends of at least Good Friend status (as of now) or with anyone through the crafty usage of the Battle QR Code. Participation in certain kinds of battling becomes warranted and encouraged.

At this point, according to this page, there is not much that is new for Trainers who have been following the developments of progress for Pokémon Go through the current conditions up to today. However, the page serves as a helpful reminder of what can still be done with Pokémon Go beyond the normal means and still have a way to progress through what one is demanded to do or interested in doing. The current conditions have forced most everyone to stay separated and/or inside when no external objective is pertinent, and that does affect quite a bit of the gameplay of Pokémon Go. Yet it's still nice to know that with all developments thus far, play from anywhere or at home is made possible and feasible.

One year ago: Time of Posting
Three years ago: Watching and Re-Watching

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