Tuesday, December 15, 2020

On the Statistics for My Blog

For any site with a well-deserved place on the Internet, statistics are an important thing. It indicates who or what might have come upon the site (whether directly or not) as well as how many of them have done so. For this Pokémon blog with its place on the Internet, the same is pretty much true. However, the most recent times I've looked at the statistics for my blog, they don't seem to mean anything. As a result, I've been tending to ignore them.

I've realized since the beginning of this blog that at least some statistics are important. A friend of mine and a well-known comrade as well as partner in a way at that - I don't need to say who it is; some posts make that clear - say that it is so as well, even to the point of pointing out some things the last time we met in person for quite a bit of Pokémon business. Yet, based on what I can see, I can't seem to rely on them as well as they could be relied upon.

The statistics page does indicate that Google is indicated as a referring site, but it doesn't say who, what, or how the site was searched for, at least in most cases. There are also other referring sites, but some of them appear dubious, and when checked showed no indication that my blog was referred to. Furthermore, they don't appear to be real sites with real content and not just somehow referred to at least once for conflating the number of views. Many countries also visit the site, though there is a heck of a lot of visits from an "other" country with no other indication.

I'd have to say that regarding what I do with this blog, I'm rather focused on content with no other specific focus involved, save for the focus on Pokémon. There are no specific ways I write up my posts in regard to content so long as they are somehow related to Pokémon, even this site itself. That is pretty much the only concern even now, after having made nearly four years' worth of posts. No other concern matters, other than the one for Pokémon.

Statistics remain something quite important for any web site, even for this Pokémon blog. At the sane time, though, statistics seem to be just numbers and records on paper that don't necessarily reflect the true intent of the content I put up on this blog. It is still my hope that one day I can rely on the statistics for this site just as much as the readers and visitors of this site rely on all the content and insights that I provide for Pokémon, no matter the form they take.

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