Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The State of Nominations, Part 6

I was actually debating on whether to write up this post with its topic today, according to the previously established schedule, because some important and intriguing Pokémon information had just come to light, and the nomination process has effectively slowed down quite a bit from last time. That said, I finally settled on this topic to keep the morale going. So, for the state of nominations this time, not only has the process itself apparently slowed down, I've also been slow with the process myself.

To wit: the number of total distinct nominations has only increased by 7 to 81. Fortunately, the number of approvals also increased by 3 to 37, a small number that is still better than none. One of my rejected nominations became superseded by another approved nomination, thereby increasing the latter to 9 and decreasing the former to 26. There are also now 9 nominations (up by 4) that have not been decided, and the hope is that they will be soon. The numbers really tell the tale. 

There are currently two hassles that I have with nominations. One is that I have not been out as often to make them where I desire due to other things that I have going on, though that might speak to a better personal well-being. Another is that it has recently put a strain on Pokémon Go running on my phone, most often resulting in a "force close" after taking one or both of the necessary photos to make a nomination. This may be especially so if I don't restart my phone before going through the process. Because the phone camera is invoked as part of the process, it becomes understandable that the process may be burdensome on some phones, and now my phone seems to be part of that group of phones. Either or both may need resolution in a radical manner.

In the meantime, I've identified many more places that I can stand to nominate, far beyond the 7 I'm allowed within a period of two weeks. At the same time, because I would rather not have to make several trips to nominate places, more so because of current conditions, I would need to nominate as many as possible within possibly the one trip to make them. This might also demand a special trip just for that purpose, which may not be entirely impossible, but the effort will likely be quite demanding. Yet, it would also have to be quite necessary.

Things have really indeed slowed down on the front of nominations, but it doesn't mean that no progress has been made on that front. Some is obviously better than none, and more is more likely to occur as things progress. Again, the issue of whether this will make it again on its regular schedule will have to be decided on the next time, but the hope is also that the next time will provide answers just as this time did. For the time being, the process itself will have to continue regardless of (or while working with) current conditions.

Two years ago: The Merits of Sleep

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