Saturday, September 5, 2020

Returns Come and Go

As posts from years past indicate, today is a fairly special day. It was on this day three years ago that I formally returned to playing Pokémon Go, which has proven to not be a bad decision. For that reason, it becomes worthwhile to discuss the topic again, certainly with a different perspective this time. And this time, I've chosen to discuss the perspective of other Trainers returning to play, which considering what has happened with my fellow Pokémon Go Trainers, might be a coming and going thing.

In recent times, I've noticed that for some of them, their returns have been intermittent. What I mean is that they have returned to play since that initial "boom", but they don't play regularly. They might play just a few minutes each day, or they might play on some days and not on others. Some of them are incidentally fellow general Pokémon fans as well, who enjoy Pokémon things besides Pokémon Go, and that may be their rationale for limiting efforts in this game in lieu of everything else. This is definitely a come-and-go thing in a way, though their intent to play may not be as such.

Meanwhile, for some of my Pokémon Go fellows from past years, they've had their return, but then they've seemingly had their longer periods of inactivity before suddenly becoming active for major events such as Community Day and then going back to what may be an extended dormancy. This may be understandable with current times (which force limited activities regardless) and what they may have going on (which may not allow for much else). It may be hard to question them and ascertain why this is so, but what is clear is that what happens is a major coming and going of things.

Other factors in relation to "coming and going" could also conceivably be considered to contribute somehow. Pokémon Go tends to have a repetitive ("grinding") method of gameplay, and this has the possibility of inciting boredom even for some loyal players sooner or later. As much as things can play out for free, some things are best aided with purchase, and this may depend on their coming and going of revenue. Considering many things, they seem to come and go just as much as the drive to play.

I don't expect my interest in Pokémon Go (for that matter, anything Pokémon) to come and go, but for some of my fellows, they may not have much of a choice but to take things in a come and go manner, even after committing a return to it. But I suppose if an intent of my return is to help fellow Trainers get back on track, then that help may be appreciated no matter if the interests of other Trainers are ongoing and continuous like mine is, or wavering and intermittent as may be the case.

Two years ago: A Happy Return
Three years ago: Here I Go (Again)

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