Saturday, September 19, 2020

On the Transcription of Pokémon Things

I mentioned in my overview post for the first episode of my podcast that I had undertaken the process of transcribing that podcast (in addition to the ultimate goal of translating it). Transcription is actually something I like to do for a few things, not the least of which are Pokémon things. I suppose that because that I'm fond of matters related to languages and their background principles, I got interested in this activity. In some ways, though, the activity is fundamentally important to some linguistic affairs, so I'm not too far off. But for Pokémon things, it can be important too.

What I'm fond of transcribing are things related to the Pokémon anime, in particular full episodes of it with the English dub. Of course, as shorts like Twilight Wings are still part of the anime, they are fair game for transcription as well. Beyond the anime, lots of Pokémon or Pokémon-related things can be transcribed. A podcast like the other day is certain, but other things may be relevant as well for the process, like commercials and promotional videos. This process is essential if not for one thing: to create captions or subtitles for those hard of hearing. I'm not hard of hearing myself, but it's a useful reference nonetheless, both for myself and others.

The one big thing about this process is that it takes time, as I had indicated in the other post. Admittedly, the other day translation was also involved, so it took a little longer. Even if it weren't involved, the process still takes a good amount of time, which is why I haven't done it for a long time, and just as I planned to get back in the swing of things for the purpose of my podcast, I ran into this obstacle. It takes a good time to note down the things that are being spoken, type them up, and then to verify everything to make sure they're right. But once someone takes the time to do so, the results are there for pretty much all time, especially with good management. The utility itself is worth the time.

As I've stated, I'm fond of transcribing the anime episodes, and I keep the results of this small project handy; eventually, if time permits, I may consider making another one. For the Twilight Wings shorts, the ones that haven't been captioned make good fodder, but the project will and should include all of them for the sake of completion. The podcast I started with Handoyo is indeed a prime target (more to the point of it being personal), but again, I'll take it up when the demand arises; I'm open to do so for others as well, and this could be a potential outlet for commissions given what I'm capable of doing. The possibilities seem to be plentiful enough.

I feel that as I've done this activity, I've done myself a good favor. It benefits me in terms of languages and linguistics by providing myself with language materials for other purposes related to them. It benefits me in terms of Pokémon by providing useful written references for whatever may concern this franchise, which I am deeply attached to. In the end, both can be described through one word: enjoyment. I enjoy working with transcriptions as a part of or segue to linguistics, and I enjoy working with Pokémon things no matter what. And it's great to know that they both can come together in some ways.

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