Saturday, September 12, 2020

Let's Talk About Household Creatures

Me: I kind of want to explore a certain subject from both a realistic and Pokémon perspective. So I thought I'd do a "Let's Talk" about it.

Ash: Why not? Let's talk it over. Maybe I'll enjoy your perspective and you'll enjoy mine.

Pikachu: Pika pika! ["That's fine!"]

Me: OK. So this time I want to discuss about "household creatures" - creatures that you and I might find around houses, whether it's real in my world or in the Pokémon world.

Ash: That's neat. I think you and I might have a few of those.

Me: Indeed we do. But for this discussion, I'd like to limit it to a few, three in fact: dogs, cats, and rats. Those three are pretty common in my real world, and they should be for Pokémon too.

Ash: I think I see what you're getting at.

Me: Let's start with rats. Some time ago, I dealt with an actual rat problem, and it wasn't pretty. These can be very pesky.

Ash: Well, they can be the same for Pokémon too. You might have seen Rattata and Raticate in Alola - they're big, black, and troublemaking. It took Yungoos and Gumshoos to take care of them.

Me: I could have used their help, I think. The rats were quite terrible.

Pikachu: Pika pika chu? ["What about me?"]

Me: Pikachu, you're very different. I know you're technically a rat, but you and your kin can be less destructive.

Ash: I wouldn't say that. Pikachu can have really great power, if you've seen what happened early on. And they can still do what rats do.

Me: True. I guess it's because I'm so used to seeing Pikachu of Trainers like you, not so much wild ones.

Ash: I know. It can have a way with your mind. Let's move on to the other two.

Me: So now we have dogs and cats. They are definitely lovable, more so than rats, and that should be the case for the real world and the Pokémon world.

Ash: Sure! Some Pokémon are dogs or cats. They can be great pets at home when people don't battle with them.

Me: Yes, I'm sure some are kept at home for that very purpose. Let's start with dogs. Houndour or Poochyena are probably too wild for home, but Snubbull or Lillipup should be great.

Pikachu: Pika! Pika pika! ["Yeah! I'm sure!"]

Ash: I guess I'd agree. That Stoutland that I met in Alola might have started out at home, maybe even from a Lillipup. It was found in a home after all. And who could forget that Snubbull in Johto. It might have liked to be more at home if its owner wasn't so fussy.

Me: And then it evolved into a Granbull, and that made for a heck of a time.

Ash: You can say that again. But the Stoutland was really nice, until it left. And that was sad for Litten. I understand your world lost a great cat some time ago that was like that Stoutland, so I know how you'd feel.

Me: OK, so this is a great segue into the last topic of cats. Lots of cats are present in my real world like that one, but Pokémon has its cats.

Ash: True. One I liked was May's Skitty way back in Hoenn. That was a neat Pokémon, and its Assist attack could make it do a lot of things. It was May's hero in some Contests, and it was impressive.

Me: As I recall, it was also very playful.

Pikachu: Pikachu! ["Quite so!"]

Ash: I can't disagree with you.

Me: Indeed. And then there's that Litten, which incidentally became yours.

Ash: Right! It moved on from Stoutland to become a part of my team, ready for new things. I am glad for Litten.

Me: You had to be. So, we've talked quite a bit about these "household creatures", but it seems our discussion has also quite branched outwards from the "household".

Ash: Yeah. I guess it means that they can be everywhere, not just in people's homes. But that's great for Trainers and just other people.

Me: Yes. Pokémon or not, we have to enjoy and respect them as they are and as they can be.

Pikachu: Pika! ["True!"]

Me: This discussion about some "household creatures" has been very enlightening. It was limited to a few of them, but they all have something to be thought about.

Ash: And I'm sure that you and I will continue to have great views on this and other stuff you might want to talk about.

One year ago: And Intelligence
Three years ago: Poké-Mobile Devices

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