Thursday, September 3, 2020

Let's Play and Pokémon

The Internet is a popular place to post videos, especially on one site designed for that purpose and particularly a few Pokémon-related videos, as I've highlighted a few times over. One of those kinds of videos are "Let's Play" or "LP" videos, where people play through certain games while also providing commentary - most likely vocal commentary - and the results are packaged in a video or a series of them and then posted to video sites such as the one I've browsed through. From this, it can be gained that Pokémon can somehow be involved.

Far from its humble origins on a certain offbeat corner of the Internet, "Let's Play" videos are now a big thing wherever videos are posted, and certain people have become famous because of them. The commentary that these videos can provide can be engaging enough for lengthy and possibly arduous games like the main series Pokémon games, or perhaps even open-ended games like Pokémon Shuffle. While the commentary may not be objective, the subjectivity may carry viewers through to experience the actual things that need to be done, which for the main series Pokémon games as an example can be done in more ways than one. Ultimately, the experience matters, and that can be a very good thing for the games being exhibited, Pokémon or otherwise.

And as expected, the concept works and plays pretty well with Pokémon games. Main series Pokémon games of the past and present lend themselves to this format of video creation, and many different creators are involved in the creation. This shows the breadth and interest of the Pokémon fans that are involved. Then there is also the inclusion of the TCG and even Pokémon Go as a subject of a few "Let's Play" videos is expected yet also surprising, but this speaks for the expandability or versatility of the format.

All these "LP" videos are impressive and make it tempting for someone to create their own. But there is the caveat that one may have to go through legal hoops to ensure that things are all clear, since one is dealing directly with copyrighted material in the form of games and other things that may be associated with them. In the case of Pokémon, since Nintendo has a stake in it, the Nintendo Creators program may be invoked for absolute clarity. I'm currently dealing with a Pokémon initiative that is not really an "LP" but is related to it, and there has been the fair warning to sidestep copyright issues. This will certainly continue to be something relevant in any case, and does figure into my considerations of whether I would be apt to make one properly while giving it my unique twist as with this blog.

Games, including Pokémon games, to some extent can be considered encapsulations of experience, whether close to realistic or beyond imagination. Video creators who are gamers have realized this and as a result have created "Let's Play" videos that feature the games as well as associated subjective experiences with them. The making of these could be a big step, but it's also a big step of experience that one may very well take in order to captivate viewers with (Pokémon) games and their workings.

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