Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The Firefighters of Pokémon

For the longest time, I've been attracted to a certain movie featuring firefighters, though I've actually never seen the movie and don't know how I would go about to watch it now. It's an old movie, but only not much older than Pokémon, about half a decade or so. More recently, I've been reminded of the heroics of certain real firefighters in different cases. Being that I'm a Pokémon fan, I tend to think of the world in terms of Pokémon, and I automatically think about firefighters in a Pokémon sense.

Those who are well-versed in the anime will recognize that an early episode did indeed deal with firefighting. In the episode, there was a traditional squad, but there was also a Pokémon squad in the form of a number of Blastoise shooting water jets to douse the fire. What this means is that Pokémon firefighters can and do blend those in a traditional sense with those of Pokémon sensibilities. The latter can assist the former in ways that are not even realistically possible, not only to fight the flames but also to ensure the safety of all concerned.

On a smaller scale, Pokémon could still be called to fight smaller fires as in the Pokémon Ranger series. The Rangers would need to scout for and capture Pokémon according to the scale of the fires they can fight, keeping in mind that they can only be used in an ad hoc manner. If there are multiple Rangers, they could work like a traditional firefighting squad, except with Pokémon sensibilities through and through. Overall, the nature of the firefighting would be purposed yet variable for the efforts that would entail putting out the fire.

As expected, Pokémon of the Water type nicely fill in roles for the team that douses the fire. But for the team that attempts to save people and things during a fire, a few of the Pokémon roles could be unexpected. Due to its strength and possibility of carrying people, Machamp could be enlisted to help in rescue, in order to get to hard-to-reach places and move people away from danger. Speaking of danger, the dangers involved in firefighting and rescue could be considered the same as with the real world, only perhaps a little more dangerously.

The heroics of firefighters are always something to be praised, as they attempt to salvage places from being razed by fire and rescue the lives that may be present. The heroics of Pokémon firefighters may seem to be just as if not more heroic due to the special abilities that may be present and be potentially useful to make firefighting proceed in a more dynamic way. On that note, this Pokémon fan may just need to see the movie that has been of interest and expand horizons slightly by doing so.

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