Sunday, September 6, 2020

Multiple Pokédexes in Pokémon Go?

Recently, as part of the addition of Mega Evolution to Pokémon Go, the Pokédex interface was slightly updated to accommodate their inclusion as entries. The update involved the addition of a selector to the lower-right corner to switch between the regular Pokédex and one designed to keep track of Mega-Evolved forms. This led to an observer to take note of its potential and to make a conjecture that the selector could be used to implement different kinds of Pokédexes. It seems to be a fascinating conjecture, and therefore I've decided to flesh out the idea further in this post.

The observer conjectured that the Pokédexes could be related to the various attributes that Pokémon may possess. As part of the conjecture, the observer provided a mockup of the possible Pokédexes that could be included. Among them could be a Shiny Pokédex for all Pokémon possessing this form, Shadow and Purified Pokédexes - whether both being separate or together - to see which ones have been captured or not and purified or not, and a Costume Pokédex for all Pokémon that can possess attires of some sort, including each one as individual entries. These Pokédexes all have their own attributive spirit just like the current separate Mega Pokédex.

All these ideas can be reasoned rationally. While Shiny Pokémon are indicated in the regular Pokédex, they are not immediately evident by just looking at the main listing, and by having a separate Pokédex for this attribute, all Pokémon with this attribute, including ones that are only seen, can be examined at a glance. For Shadow and Purified Pokémon, as well as Pokémon with certain costumes, these are not present in the regular Pokédex (except as a plain number for Purified counts) and it would be helpful to see which ones are available at the moment or missing from one's collection. For all of these (and particularly the Shiny attribute), it would be helpful to separate their info from the common Pokédex, especially for Pokémon with many forms (example, Unown) that can now be potentially Shiny, and this would serve well for keeping track of things.

To these separate Pokédex ideas, I would add one more idea: a Lucky Pokédex. While it could be reasoned that the regular Pokédex is sufficient for this purpose, and even any entry in the other Pokédex ideas can indicate this as Lucky Pokémon are currently indicated, it would still be helpful to know this at a glance without checking separate entries individually, as with the other attributes as above. This would also achieve further separation of data that would be cluttered up otherwise within just the regular Pokédex. What all of these ideas have in common is that there is a great degree of clarity that can be gained with each separate Pokédex for each attribute.

These ideas may or may not be realized, but that is why they are called a conjecture, as a strong possibility of what could be realized based on what is available or present. At least, that was what became apparent to an observer regarding the way a different kind of Pokédex was realized in Pokémon Go, which in turn has the potential to be developed into yet other different kinds. As it stands, the observer had put out a neat conjecture, and therefore it warranted further explanation. In time, enough Trainers will perhaps consider it neat as well, which should be a good first step on the path of realization.

Three years ago: Personalities

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