Saturday, September 26, 2020

More and Yet More LINE Pokémon Stickers

I've discussed Pokémon stickers that can be gotten on the chatting and social media service of LINE a few times, and the process of me personally getting them is rather opportunistic, only when I have the chance to get them or when circumstances are right to permit me to get them. But being that I as a Pokémon fan enjoy them, I therefore will get them at some point in time, and recently I just got all of the remaining sticker packs available. Coincidentally, those are all animated sticker packs, which are the ones I tend to obtain last since they have fewer stickers (24 against 40 for a non-enhanced pack), but as they say, often the best ones are the last ones, and some of the ones I've gotten are just that.

Here are the rest of the packs I've gotten:

Pokémon: The Oaks - Those who know Pokémon well should know who the Oak family is: it's the family composed of Samuel Oak (the professor of Kanto), Samson Oak (his cousin in Alola), and Blue Oak (the rival of Red), and they're all here in this pack, though almost all are for the said professor. They're all present in comic book style, accompanied by words in distinct characters, with expressions that could be considered zany. My friends like to use the stickers in light-hearted situations, and that seems to be the best time to use them, aside from whenever the fancy strikes.

Pokémon Pixel Art: Gold and Silver Edition - This sequel to the "Pixel Artwork and Sounds!" pack clearly involves the original second-generation games, and sounds and images taken from them. Unlike stickers of the previous pack, which are static but contain sounds, these contain both animations and sounds. They all contain recognizable situations from the two games, characteristic people and Pokémon, and neat animations. While their usage may be a bit abstract and in some cases limited, they appear quite captivating for their retro appearance and highly nostalgic quality.

Pikachu, Switch Out! Come Back! - The odd title of this sticker pack comes from an early version of the message that appears when switching Pokémon. That said, the sticker pack is uniquely odd as well, as they all feature the illustration work of a guest artist who is known for making illustrations of a very comical nature. Not only are these stickers incredibly silly, they are also incredibly hyper as well, with some fast-moving animations. True to its message, all the featured Pokémon are of the first generation (some Alola forms included) - or perhaps it's the other way around. It seems this pack is so popular that it was followed up with a sequel, and...

24/7 Pokémon - ...that would be this one. The silliness and hyper nature of the previous pack continue across the stickers of this pack; some familiar Pokémon from the first pack return, and there are a few more "guests" from later generations. While they are billed as "cute and adorable" - and maybe in some ways they are as such - I still stick to my descriptors of "silly" and "hyper" for them. If some stickers of the first pack are nonchalant and active, for this one, some are even more nonchalant and even more active, which may not be a bad thing. It was what made the first pack welcomed among fans and likely spurred the demand for this second one.

The sticker packs of this last batch, which enable me to catch up with all available Pokémon stickers, are some of the most interesting as well as funny and crazy. I would suppose that in that way, they are some of the best, as hinted by the adage. There hasn't been a new Pokémon sticker pack since last year, when the very last sticker pack I detailed here was released, so some wonderings about their later future may be in order. Right now, there is no need to wonder about their current future, which is to grace the chats I make with friends and other people on LINE. That would seem to be more opportunistic than the opportunities I took to obtain these stickers.

One year ago: The Name of the Game
Three years ago: Strong Opinions

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