Thursday, February 21, 2019

Even More LINE Pokémon Stickers

It's been a long time since I've posted about the Pokémon stickers that can be obtained in the social/messaging application LINE. The last time I posted about them was in fact about one and a half years ago, when I had obtained all the packs released up to that time. Since then, there have been quite a number of new packs, though I've been rather slow in getting them due to various reasons. Regardless, I am still interested in obtaining them when the conditions permit.

And of the new packs that have been released from that point up to today, I've gotten three of them:

Pokémon Chat Pals 2 - As can be discerned from the title, this is a sequel to the first Chat Pals pack. It's one of two of the more recent packs that are sequels. Like the first pack, the stickers feature pastel-drawn Pokémon with upfront text captions. The only real difference is that the stickers from this pack are quite larger when used, compared to the first; that does make it a little more attractive to use, but both are great in their respects and I'll still use stickers from either whenever they are fitting.

Pokémon: Eevee Stickers - This non-enhanced sticker pack features all nine of the "Eeveelutions" with four stickers each, while Eevee gets four extra stickers (for a total of 40, the standard for a non-enhanced pack). The art is by a guest illustrator, and it's rather kooky yet filled with emotion. One can't help but commiserate or feel compassionate with all the Eeveelutions, and true to that, I've taken quite a liking to many of the stickers in this pack. They deserve quite a bit of continued usage, which I intend to do.

Pokémon Yurutto - "Yurutto" in Japanese means "loose", and the Pokémon in this sticker are indeed just that. They are drawn in a fluffy manner, with loose expressions. This is another pack with a featured guest illustrator, who incidentally has another sticker pack on LINE for a different fandom, and that's how I first recognized the guest illustrator. Some Pokémon make a notable return in this pack, while a few new ones enter the fray. I've only barely used a few of the stickers in this pack, but that will likely change as I find opportunities for usage.

I've been slow in the process of obtaining these sticker packs, but this is surely worth it. Now I have many stickers that represent a wide variety of expressions featuring many different Pokémon. All that's left to do is to use them, and use them well and repeatedly. The flexibility afforded by the existing sticker packs that I have should be just great enough... until I set my sights on the next sticker pack that I want to get.

One year ago: Quirky Raids
Two years ago: Secret Garden

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