Saturday, February 16, 2019

Romancing the Ball

Nearly two weeks ago, I hinted in a post about a certain lore that it's the month of February and it's the month of romance. I wanted to address this topic on Valentine's Day, but another topic took precedence. That's not to say that's a bad thing; in fact, it was probably more right that it was so. All the same, it also seems right to discuss the topic while still in the vein of Valentine's Day, so here I go. Of course, it has to be with a Pokémon twist, and... maybe with an additional twist.

There's a certain movie out there about someone wishing for an adventure, and then gets one in a really wild way. Along the way, romance is also kindled between people involved in the adventure. I personally have never seen the movie, but it's been referenced a few times, and recently I've found out about its gist. And it might be somehow even more linked to this post by the fact that the title of this post resembles that of the movie. It sounds like a movie that I want to or should see.

In relation to Pokémon, I've titled this post with "ball" because it certainly refers to the Poké Ball, the device that provides Trainers everywhere a way to relate to and use Pokémon. As a Pokémon fan, I feel that I have indeed "romanced the ball" many times over, using another reference that makes a reference to the movie. It's something that I have to familiarize as I go through anything Pokémon, whether they are the games or beyond; I have to know what it may do, what it may not do, and what are the quirks involved in either process. In doing so, I also become familiar with the Pokémon that may be captured with the balls.

As for real romance, that may be something a bit more distant. But like that movie, I've gotten into adventures that sometimes I wish could get into. Even if they're not exactly like what the Pokémon games make them out to be, at least it's an adventure nonetheless, especially if it involves "romancing the ball" as above. And then there are things like that lore, which only further contribute to this kind of romance. I suppose that's good enough for a romantic month like this one.

Now I think I have to go see that movie that keeps on being referenced.

One year ago: Once and Again: Cosplay Teaser for 3/11/2018
Two years ago: We Three Birds of Kanto Are...

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