Friday, February 8, 2019

Pokémon Clocks

A few days ago, a relative reminded me that in a place where I used to live, there is a shopping mall which is famous for a clock that, at the top of the hour, flips up for a three-minute musical show on figures placed on moving arms. It was something I didn't want to miss when I lived there and visited the place... kind of like Pokémon nowadays. It made me think of how the concept of clocks could be combined with Pokémon.

The combination seems to have a lot of potential for custom or indie merchandise as well as official merchandise. For custom or indie merchandise, it is perhaps trivial to make standard wall clocks with an embedded Pokémon graphic of some kind in the background. However, with a little more effort, more incredible custom creations could be realized. Some official merchandise appear to be more simplistic in nature and fit with the former idea, or may have an extremely artistic casing with a simple clock. But they could also be more impressive, almost be like that mall clock I mentioned.

And it seems there are a few. The closest one would perhaps be the musical wall clock that was sold by the New York Pokémon Center, which can play one of five musical tunes each hour. The second-closest would be a cuckoo-style clock that features Pokémon on the outside - with Pidgey as the "cuckoo" bird - and is partially musical. A distant third would be a "seesaw" clock that features a few Pokémon on the outside. These are all impressive, but they're all rare, perhaps even rarer than an opportunity to see that clock I mentioned at the beginning.

As for that clock, the thought of combining that exact clock and Pokémon elements would be out of this world. That clock has six figures on six arms, which coincidentally is the maximum number in a standard Pokémon team. Perhaps the six figures could be Pikachu, Eevee, a selection of the starter Pokémon of each type, and some other special Pokémon like Cosmog. Or it could be all Pikachu for a totally funky twist. The music could be the standard music or have Pokémon influences like the Pokémon Center clock. It's rather improbable, but it's still fancy to think about it.

These days, I don't actually have to go to that mall to watch the musical show of the clock live and in person; there are a few YouTube recordings of it. But to see it live and in person as I did years and years ago is a novel thing. For a Pokémon fan, any Pokémon clock is a novel thing too. And if it's impressive enough, it may just measure up to that musical mall clock... at least, as a personal hope of my own.

One year ago: (It's a Wonderful) Local Ex-Raid, 2/8/2018
Two years ago: Serena-Shipping: "Heaven Help My Heart"

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