Monday, February 11, 2019

A Pidove Keychain

Two months ago, I obtained a Sewaddle keychain from a particular convention. There were a few considerations that went into the selection of the keychain over others that were offered. The particular keychain that I would like to detail in this post comes from the previous day's theme event, and much of the same considerations also apply to the selection of the keychain. It too is a special thing.

Like Sewaddle, Pidove is (was) one of Ash's Pokémon during the Unova saga. Also like Sewaddle, Pidove ultimately evolved into its final form Unfezant. The story by which Ash obtained Pidove is an enigmatic one, involving a twist of genders... but that deserves an explanation in its own post. This is of course a deciding factor for obtaining this particular keychain.

This keychain was also chosen based on the offerings that were presented in the merchandise stand. Actually, there was also a Ducklett keychain for sale, but I chose not to get that one because I had also seen the Ducklett episode, which is rather quirky. Furthermore, in an odd coincidence, just like me, the exact same stand appeared in the event from two days ago. I had thought about getting the keychain there, but time was not on my side. Fortunately, the stand reappeared in the event on the very next day, almost as if it was a "second chance".

The keychain figure is a little disheveled, but it's still in pretty good condition. All the parts of its anatomy are present and detailed well. The pose is rather remarkable, being with the right wing raised; it's welcoming and adorable. Its feet allow it to stand up on its own without the aid of any kind of support, which is a plus if I don't intend to use it as a keychain... and I don't, at least not in the foreseeable time. It's fine as a figure too.

Any Pokémon merchandise that I obtain has to go through some considerations before being obtained; this one does too. Remarkably, these considerations happen to be similar to one that I've obtained in the past, which is rather unique. I can't guarantee that a future piece of merchandise will go through these same considerations again, but anything may just be possible.

One year ago: Memories of Hoenn
Two years ago: LINE Pokémon Stickers

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