Sunday, February 17, 2019

Pokémon Go Community Day, 2/17/2019

Community Day for Pokémon Go returns, and this time, it's a bit special. To start, this is the first Community Day since November of last year that I've been able to execute in the regular and usual manner; as a reminder, December had an unusual conglomeration, and January had an EX Raid timed along with it. To be free of those restrictions is a great thing, just as much as I enjoy the refreshing changes they provide. Yet as it turns out, this Community Day has a few twists of its own.

The featured Pokémon for this Community Day is Swinub. It's a second-generation Pokémon that evolves to Piloswine, and then to Mamoswine in the fourth generation. As such, this is the first Community Day that features a Pokémon from the fourth generation and the second to feature multiple generations (Eevee in August last year was the first). And like other Pokémon of prior generations that evolve to a new form in the fourth generation, it evolves in Pokémon Go by way of a Sinnoh Stone, and this is thereby the first one that necessitates an item for evolving the Pokémon.

To offset that, PvP battles for this day awards guaranteed Sinnoh Stones for the first five battles. This is in addition to the bonus of increased Stardust for each captured Pokémon as well as the Shiny form. And then there is the exclusive move for this Community Day, which is Ancient Power. In the main series, Piloswine evolves to Mamoswine by way of having this move; since Go has no such facility, it becomes an exclusive move instead.

As for Lure Modules, they extend during the entire length of the event... and beyond. The reason is that this Community Day coincides with the Valentine's Day event, which is still happening as of today. Because of that, another unspoken perk of this edition of Community Day is extra Candies for caught Pokémon, much like the October Community Day Repeat. All of these bonuses are lucrative to some extent, whether intentional or incidental.

I have to say that today, as the scheduled Community Day in my area, I caught plenty of Swinub and amassed a sizable Candy stock for evolution, power-up, and new attacks. The evolution is might be where I slightly messed up, though I did evolve two strong ones and a Shiny form as usual. I may not yet be able to recoup the Candy stock I spent on the evolution, but at least I may be able to re-strategize what I had already evolved for different usages. As well, there are a few other Swinub which I may have different plans for.

This Community Day was only regular and usual in its execution, but it also had some irregular and unusual things going for it. All the same, some things might just remain continued facets of future Community Days, so that's something to look out for. No matter what the twists and turns are, I have to do what I can to make sure I take advantage of Community Day in the best way possible, for good results today and great results tomorrow.

One year ago: Time for a Pikachu New 2DS XL?
Two years ago: The Park Is Open

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