Saturday, February 9, 2019

Cosplay: Eien no Kiseki

Me: OK, this is going to be wild. Today, I've sent you to this theme event. It means "miracles of eternity", or something like that.

Ash: That sounds really wonderful!

Pikachu: Pi pika chuu! [happy]

Me: It should be. Actually, I sent you at the behest of my figure friends. They wanted to exhibit, so I have to send you to be able to connect with them.

Ash: That's OK. As I said the last time, I like being with them too. You set me up to go with one of them, right?

Me: Right. It's always great to travel together and share the burden. Isn't that what Pokémon Trainers do?

Ash: Well, yeah, that's true. I do travel a lot, especially for this event!

Me: About that, yes, it's kind of far away, but it should be OK.

Ash: The event is kind of small, though, and it's cramped! There are two stages, and they kind of fight each other. One is for a game that some people play, and the other is for characters like me. And-

Pikachu: Pi! Pika pi! [cutting in, slightly worried]

Ash: Were you lost? Yeah, it was a little hard to get around.

Me: Sorry about that. This is a mall event, and I thought it would be more open, at least, since it was free. But then it seems everyone got stuck around the maze of shops. And it seems a certain group of college students planned it, so it felt slightly off at times.

Ash: The character competitions are good, though. There was a single performance and parade, and I got in the parade.

Me: Yeah. I'm sorry I couldn't set you up for the other one; I did send you with the Kanto outfit after all. And how did you do?

Ash: Wouldn't you believe it: I won Judges' Favorite!!

Me: By golly! All right!! We did it!!!

Pikachu: Pi pika pika chuu!! [ecstatic]

Ash: I guess they really did like how I looked on stage. You helped too, so you totally deserve the prize.

Me: Thanks! And I know I can really count on you too.

Ash: So this seems OK for a small event. It even had a food stand and a goodies stand. It could have been opened up more, but it's OK.

Me: I agree, it's good enough for now. It's almost as miraculous as the name suggests, but it's fine. I really hope they can think about this further next time. Now you (and me) need a bit of rest.

Ash: Oh yeah? What for?

Pikachu: Pika? [curious]

Me: You'll find out soon enough.

One year ago: Seeking Confirmation
Two years ago: Time

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