Thursday, February 14, 2019

Valentine's Day 2019: Think Pink

It's February 14, and it's Valentine's Day. The core of this day is certainly love and affection, as I've mentioned in the old posts below. But other things can be considered as well, and one of those is the color pink. It has connotations that are worthy to be considered, particularly on this day; these too may be considered in relation to other things, as well as Pokémon as the core topic of posts on this blog.

Pink is certainly the color of love and affection. It's a warm, sweet, and amicable color, even more so than its kin, the color of red; it is thus linked to friendships and sugary things as well. The color indicates gentleness in modest amounts, and in larger amounts may indicate weakness. The charm of pink makes it evocative of girly and playful things. Yet above all, pink also symbolizes harmony and calmness, and can create peace and feelings of relaxation. So in addition to its link to love and affection, pink is a color with soft impressions.

Lately I've been having mixed emotions, so now that Valentine's Day has come, it may be time to take a step back a bit, take a breath, and think about things more calmly - in other words, "think pink", as I've indicated in the title of this post. Far from it being a reference to other things, I've taken it as an literal reference to the actual color and its associated qualities. In doing so, I hope to be able to get a grip on situations and to consider them more rationally. This of course includes things related to Pokémon.

Fortunately, Pokémon Go has decided to do a favor in this regard and has presented a "pink Pokémon special". More of them are appearing in the wild and more Candies can be earned from them. They also crop up in raids and 7 km Eggs. And to help with all this, Lure Modules are extended when they are activated within the duration of this event. There's surely no shortage of pink color here, and so I have to get out, play, and see pink, in order to "think pink" as above. I'm already relaxed just thinking about it.

Pink is a neat color, as far as I'm concerned, and as far as this day is concerned. What's in it for everyone is a way to celebrate good feelings about relationships. What's in it for me right now is a way to calm down and rethink things. What's in it for Pokémon is that it's a color highly associated with many species and forms of Pokémon. Together, they all just seem to work out beautifully, and I do like that.

Think pink, and Happy Valentine's Day.

One year ago: Valentine's Day 2018: Address to a Luvdisc
Two years ago: It's Valentine's Day!

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