Friday, February 22, 2019

Local EX Raid (in a Frenzy), 2/22/2019

Last week, the EX Raid had quick connections. This week, the EX Raid is in a frenzy. Typically, the day of an EX Raid is one that is (or should be) light, with nary a rush to get things going. That didn't happen today, and instead, there was a certain rush for everything, including the EX Raid itself. It's almost like one that unfolded three months ago, only the story is somewhat different.

This morning, there were a few things that I needed to take care of. One was planned, but seemed to drag on longer than intended. Another was unplanned but remained a necessity, and although I did not need to rush it, I felt like I had to. Moreover, I had not decided who I wanted to invite with my EX Raid pass, so I threw the decision to my raid group, and I accepted the first request I received. Yet that also meant someone could not receive an invitation from me, though eventually that person received one from someone else. It really felt like a rushed morning.

That didn't help much for the EX Raid either. I felt troubled and rushed in getting to the EX Raid Gym, even though I've been to it many times before. The rain did not help matters much, and in fact grew stronger and stronger as the EX Raid proceeded. Fortunately, the EX Raid turned out fine, and I got a sufficiently strong Deoxys to boot. Unfortunately, after that, it was back to rushing again for our separate businesses. So the EX Raid itself wasn't rushed; it was more other things around it that were.

Notice something different about this?
More explanation to come soon.

The rest of the day was spent half on Go business and other business. The latter involved a little "reconnaissance" on something that might have strained Go business for the day and may do so on the next few days as well. The former involved the usual Gym tours - enhanced by a chance meeting of a raid fellow I had not seen raiding recently - as well as a trading session that produced quite a few Lucky Pokémon. There wasn't a rush, but there could have been, and it was still frenetic in some ways.

In the rush, tumult, and frenzy of this day, I still managed to get in the EX Raid and it turned out quite good. The rest of the frenzied day, I could do without. Sure, some of it was unavoidable, but a few might have been sidestepped with different plans. For a future EX Raid day, this becomes something to consider. Hopefully then, the frenzy might be in getting good results for the EX Raid rather than with everything else on that day.

One year ago: Trainer Caps, and a Teaser
Two years ago: Back in the Park

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