Saturday, February 2, 2019

Legends Among People

The area where I live right now has been on a streak of bad weather, and even today, the weather got so bad that it became a challenge to go outside for any reason, including to raid a few Gyms in Pokémon Go. It was almost as if Kyogre (from the last two weeks) came and wreaked havoc down below, while Thundurus or Zapdos wreaked havoc up above. It got me to thinking that in the Pokémon world, things might actually just be so: that there are Legendary Pokémon present as people go about their business.

It's not hard to see how this could be true. The Johto saga is well-known for some Legendary Pokémon altercations, with a "baby" Lugia in one situation and Articuno in the mountains in another. Legendary Pokémon may be considered to be present anywhere and anytime, whether people notice them or not. When they don't, then everything's normal and life goes on. But when they do, it may lead to at worst a furor or madness, or at best excitement or celebration.

Yet it also seems that some Legendary Pokémon only appear (or are summoned) in times of conflict and don't normally appear otherwise. It's hard to imagine Kyogre, Groudon, or Rayquaza, for example, appearing out of the blue without some kind of reason that goaded them to appear and some issue that they are forced to resolve - each other in the case of the former two and Deoxys for the last one, most famously. Still, their issues are theirs, and people may not realize them until later, which might still explain why any one of them could be perceived to suddenly appear.

As for the possibility of them being present without being visibly perceived, this is not an improbable thing. Should Kyogre appear, it might be over a vast body of water, and more likely in the middle where no person is likely to go. Suicune would similarly do so over smaller and more inland bodies of water, like lakes and springs. And then for the Legendary Pokémon that float or fly, they're not likely to be seen unless people do the same. In all of these cases, their presence may be alerted through other signs that preclude their visibility.

Those signs might be what I felt, in saying that the Legendary Pokémon above are present and actually did what they did, given the streak of bad weather. Anyone who is oriented to Pokémon can naturally say that it is so, especially those who actually live in this world. Though they are Legendary, there's nothing that really stops them from making their presence known, even as people continue to do what they do normally.

One year ago: Pictures Worth Thousands of Words
Two years ago: Pokkén Sentiments

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