Monday, February 25, 2019

Meeting of the Minds

Some time ago, while I was returning from an errand, I met a few people that I don't know. We were all heading in the same direction, and there wasn't much we could do about that. What happened next, though, was wonderful: we started talking to each other about a lively issue and contributed what we knew, though it wasn't Pokémon. Meanwhile, the Pokémon case actually happened a couple of weeks ago, though with another person that I do know. This has prompted me to think about situations of the latter case, how it might happen, and with whom.

It seems likely that wherever Pokémon fans congregate, there is the possibility for a "meeting of the minds" to occur. I've experienced it as above and another time with just one person. But of course, this can happen when a good number of fans are present, and it's most likely that this has been arranged beforehand, as with my figure meetings and raid group meetings. The chance of this occurring with a couple or few fans is low, but it's not exactly zero either, as in the case above, or even a couple of months ago with two more fans in almost the same situation. Once the fans congregate, then the meeting can occur.

Next is the "how". With a prior arrangement, there is already a delineation of who and what will be involved, so when most everyone comes, the meeting proceeds (hopefully as designated), what's at hand is brought up and fleshed out, and that's all there is to it; there may or may not be room to breach into other topics, Pokémon or otherwise. Without one, that's where things may get interesting. There may be a "sudden trigger" that leads the ones involved to meet, and once things get going, many Pokémon things may be involved - a discussion about figures, for example, may branch into Go and vice versa. Depending on the things and people that are involved, the meeting may or may not be very dynamic.

As for the "who", with an arrangement, it's clear who's in it, as with the aforementioned ones involving figures and raids. Those with broader Pokémon interests (like me) may join, but their participation may be limited; it may be even more limiting for others to join. Beyond the arrangement, any person with different and wildly varying Pokémon interests may join and participate differently too, and this could be potentially just about anyone. Whether it is the latter or former case, it is what is in their minds that makes the meeting proceed.

This seems like a broad thing about Pokémon to discuss, but it can and does happen, as I've found time to time. It's just that the elements may be varied and indeterminate from one to the next, but at least there are still a few that can be reasoned out. And they become something to consider the next time I'm in one of these "meeting of the minds", which may not necessarily involve Pokémon. I can only wish that it does so, which would be rather wonderful.

One year ago: Cosplay: Japan LovEvolution Vol. 3 - Haruka ni Yoi - Full Japan Day 2018
Two years ago: Dealing with Cosplay Offerings

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