Thursday, February 28, 2019

The Birthday of a Hero

OK, there is still that something important that needs to be discussed from Pokémon Day yesterday. But I can't discuss it yet - there's something else I need to get out of the way, lest I'll forget. So two days ago, there was an anniversary: my cosplay anniversary. And then yesterday was rather obvious. I figure I'd continue the trend and discuss a different kind of anniversary, which as can be guessed from the title of this post is a birthday, and a specific one at that, for a hero. Who?

If you're familiar with me and this blog, then you know I like Ash a whole lot. So yes, he's the one I'm referring to. This, I confess, is something that I've never given much thought, until a friend told me to consider it some weeks ago. Actually, I love finding out little things like this, so it's a bit of a wonder that it has taken me years to find out about this. Still, like with certain things, it's better late than never. And it's great to know, a bit like trying to surmise who his father might be.

So when is his birthday? Like the father issue, there is only a semi-official indication. In a certain Pokémon anime novelization, it is stated that his birthday is 10 years, 10 months, and 10 days prior to the day he received his first Pokémon and started his journey. The "epoch" for the anime is April 1, the day the first episode aired in Japan (in 1997). Subtracting 10 months and 10 days therefore yields May 22 as his birthday. The year may not be relevant, of course, considering how he is in the anime.

(And yes, that means this post is three months too early. But it may have some implications that could be considered upon the actual day, which will come later in the year.)

I suppose I have to thank my friend for hinting me to this matter. After all, like the two anniversaries from the previous days, it's not something hard to pin down with a little knowledge and reasoning. Like someone said, once you know, you know - you know? And now that I know, that concludes this span of anniversary discussions, while I expectantly wait for the one that is just as good as the one from the previous days.

One year ago: Cosplay Poses
Two years ago: Cosplay: Japanese World 2017

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