Friday, March 9, 2018

Father Figure?

Many of the things featured in the Pokémon anime are not too perplexing, save for things that only the games can dream of doing. However, there are other perplexing things, and one of those perplexing things (if not the most perplexing thing) is the question of just who Ash's father is. It's a natural question to ask, really; it's reasonable to assume that Ash has a father, given that he has a mother (Delia being her English name). But as to who Ash's father is, that remains an unanswered question.

Further, this is practically true; in two occasions in the anime, the father issue has been brought up - by Delia herself, no less. The first time was early on in the episodes, and the second time was in the most recent Pokémon movie. This clearly points out that Ash has a father, but whoever and wherever he is has not been clearly determined. The issue remains open to be addressed, so in the future, this may be fully fleshed out in a Pokémon adventure that rivals any previous ones.

For now, there is a semi-official explanation, though it is still quite open-ended. The explanation is that Ash's father is undertaking a journey to become a great Pokémon Trainer - the very same journey that Ash is on, which takes him through many places and different lands. However, much like Ash's journey, it is also (seemingly) unfinished and/or unresolved; this is the open-ended part of the explanation, and it's anybody's guess how things have progressed.

Even with this explanation, as well as by consequence of it when considered, there are conspiracy theories as to who Ash's father may be. One of those theories state that Red is Ash's father, given the journey and lack of contact: it has been known that Red is reclusive, at least if the second-generation games are to be believed. Another theory states that in a Dark Side™ twist, Giovanni of Team Rocket is Ash's father, given the lack of contact and the unresolved state. These theories are fanciful, but I prefer not to subscribe to them (yet) in the hope that the situation may be resolved someday.

This issue of Ash's father is admittedly quite a perplexing one, with not much in the way of clarity and a great deal of mystery and conspiracy. Still, it's an issue that has managed to make itself present and is a natural consequence of the way things are. Perhaps if it were resolved, we'd find another reason to appreciate the great big world of Pokémon as much as Ash would appreciate knowing one half of the reason he is present in it.

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