Thursday, February 7, 2019

Local EX Raid (with "Friend Boost"), 2/7/2019

In Pokémon Go, there is a concept called "weather boost", which as I've detailed in my post about weather, concern the strength of Pokémon based on the weather system. Today, there was another EX Raid in my area, and while the Pokémon (at present Deoxys in its Attack Form) may never have the chance to become "boosted" in my area due to the ways of the weather, at the least there may still be a chance to have many friends involved in it to enliven ("boost") the spirits of the situation, and thus the tag is what it is for today, as that is what happened.

In fact, the weather is probably what played the biggest role in this regard, along with the timing. After having had a few EX Raids affected or threatened to be affected by the weather (that is, rain), this one was neither. The weather was sufficiently nice for many of the participants to come, who were my raid fellows. One participant even offered assistance with transportation, and in return, I gave an EX Raid invitation so that the person could participate as well. These worked out nicely.

Deoxys @ Sidewalk Corner.

Thanks to a few well-built relationships among myself and the other raid fellows, as well as the attack bonus - which is a kind of "boost" - gained by raiding together, we got through the raids in no time flat. The extra Premier Balls gained from the relationships also aided for the capture of Deoxys, as the Gym did not belong to my team; there was an attempt to make it so in the half-hour before Deoxys appeared, but this ultimately did not succeed due to the way the defenders were adamant about keeping possession. All told, I received only 10 balls, aided by Ultra Friends and a good number of same-team players, though Deoxys did give in on the third or fourth ball. It wasn't too strong, but it was just fine. After the EX Raid, there was even time for some friendly business (battling and trading) before parting.

Though many of my raid fellows being present couldn't boost Deoxys (something only the weather can do), morale was definitely up all around because of that. The raid mechanism involving friends also helped things quite a bit. This was a rather sociable EX Raid with good results. It's hard to expect that all EX Raids will be like this one, especially with rain still being possible in the near future, but it's something that may just be fulfilled every so often, like today.

One year ago: An Eye for Pokémon
Two years ago: Conserve and Cooperate

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