Monday, September 7, 2020

The Charisma of Pokémon Personalities

In the past, I've written about certain Pokémon fans that other fans take to become fans of, as well as certain leaders within and externally linked to the world of Pokémon, and personalities found within that world. This post can be considered to be an offshoot of those three posts. Specifically for this post, I want to discuss the charisma or charm that is possessed by some real people who are linked to Pokémon. It's a neat characteristic for these various people.

The charisma or charm is evident among the people involved with Pokémon directly. Those who have seen Pokémon presentations from the past few years will no doubt recognize Tsunekazu Ishihara - the current President and CEO of The Pokémon Company - as the most important figure in them, whether or not he kicks things off. He becomes almost inseparable from them, and his charm is his current fundamental importance. The late Satoru Iwata had also had his connections to Pokémon as well as his social interactions, and he will be forever remembered for them as his "charm". They are captivating in their own ways.

Beyond their world is the world of those who play and become known for their efforts, and for them, their charisma or charm is their accomplishments. Aaron Zheng and Wolfey Glick represent the core series, while Brandon Tan represents Pokémon Go, certainly among others. If anything, other players want to identify with their similar accomplishments, as I've observed during a recent VGC happening for the main series and Brandon's tour in the past year. I'm sure that they've been a "guiding force" for the accomplishments of the other players and they would likewise revel in them, maintaining their charm or charisma. 

Then there is the realm of more common players or fans, but they may likewise possess their own charms or charisma. One of my friends, for example, has a notable (yet perhaps little-known) achievement in Pokémon Go, being the first Ace according to Silph League Arena rankings in my country. It would perhaps be a greater charisma if it was a little more well-known. Meanwhile, I myself as a fan of everything Pokémon and someone who expresses that in various ways (including cosplay), have built up my own charisma for others, whether fans or not. Whether it's my friend or me, we seem to possess that as well.

It is no secret that Pokémon is well-admired by many people around the world. But what may be just admired is the charisma or charm that certain people have, especially in relation to it. It spans the gamut from those who are technically involved to those who are exceptional in playing skills and even show off great things. On that note, it may just be a great thing to have as much as Pokémon has it in spades for all concerned.

One year ago: TCG, Order and Chaos
Two years ago: Artistic Routine

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