Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Making Time, Taking Time

For those who have noticed and read my posts over the past few days, something might have become evident: I broke the pattern of posting that has essentially been in place since the start of June, in that I would post something related to Pokémon in general (but not really to Pokémon Go) for two days, followed by something related to Pokémon Go for two days. Now that the pattern is effectively broken, I thought I would call attention to it as well as discuss prospects for future posts alongside a guiding theme for that.

That guiding theme is stated in the title of this post. For a certain activity involving kids, it is best to be able to do so when one can make a time for it, and once one makes the time, it is best to so by taking the time to do it. In some ways, this could conceivably be considered to apply to (certain) Pokémon activities as well, being best when time is made for them and time is spent on them. In my personal case, though, I'd like to think that I have made the time and am taking the time for all the Pokémon things that I do - including for this blog - in addition to the other things that I do, and perhaps that would apply to others as well.

That said, regarding making time and taking time, I do want to reiterate that this isn't a Pokémon Go blog - it's a Pokémon blog, for everything about it and then some. It just so happens that a great amount of my time has been made and taken for Pokémon Go because that is what I have time for at present, including when I go out for errands, becoming a time filler when that occurs. Eventually, I do intend to deal with the main series games again, for example, as soon as the time is befitting. For now, a lot of things are go, go, go - in more ways than one.

Speaking of go, go, go, there is one hot thing that went and then stalled. That would be my podcast with Handoyo, which has gone for two and a half weeks now without a new episode (and therefore no update on the supposedly "Weekly" Challenge). Since we did talk about great future plans for it, it would seem like a "very funny joke" (not) if this podcast fizzled just as soon as it started, perhaps all because we couldn't make time and take time for it, which brings me back to square one, the guiding theme I had already set out. Things may take a bit more time.

So now that the pattern has been broken, I'm free to post on whatever I like or need to cover, certainly still related to Pokémon. But whatever I do - it could be within or beyond the games - I still have to make the time and take the time for them, as well as to write about them as posts on this blog. Some things will naturally still be present anyhow, including the at-present ties to Pokémon Go, but making time and taking time should help to bring out new things. Sure, the guiding theme may be for kids activities, but Pokémon as everyone's activities seems to fit the bill too.

One year ago: Doubleheaders and Such

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