Monday, November 16, 2020

Pokémon Go Community Day, 11/15/2020

Me: OK, so along with yesterday's tryout for something a little fun, there was something else that I haven't asked you to do in some time, and that would be to catch a lot of Pokémon.

Ash: Well, I'm just glad to be able to help out. It's the least I can do for you.

Me: This time, I asked you to catch a lot of Electabuzz. As you know, it's an Electric-type Pokémon from Kanto, just like Pikachu.

Pikachu: Pika pika chu! ["That's quite right!"]

Ash: It's a neat Pokémon, but not many Trainers use it. But it's a strong one, especially when it becomes an Electivire.

Me: About that, for this one, when it does evolve to that, it gets the Fire-type move of Flamethrower. Think it's kind of odd?

Ash: It does seem odd, but you could totally surprise other Trainers and their Pokémon with that. So it might just work.

Me: Yes, I think so too. Now, you might have paid attention to some of the recent times I caught a lot of Pokémon, and you'll know things have changed. Now you use an Incense to get them to come out and catch them, and if you wanted to, you could go for a full six hours doing so.

Ash: But I don't have six hours!

Me: No, neither do I, and sometimes I - and you - need to do other things anyway even during the time the Pokémon appear. But luckily, an Incense lasts only for three hours, so you can decide when it's best to put one on.

Ash: I put one on at around 11:30 in the morning so I could spend the time before the event walking to catch Electabuzz, then while waiting for the character parade, I put on a Lure Module at a nearby PokéStop. That worked out fine.

Me: Yes, that's a fine idea if you don't want to spend a second Incense but still need more Pokémon to appear for a short time, then a Lure Module can be helpful instead.

Ash: The Electabuzz were hard to catch sometimes. I spent almost all my Ultra Balls that you left me with or I can just get for free. But the good thing is that I also got a few Elekid - baby Electabuzz - from 2 km Eggs.

Me: Now, isn't that helpful? Those 2 km Eggs should have really helped, and you could evolve one in a pinch to get an Electabuzz with good stats. They should have hatched really quickly too - the distance was reduced during that time.

Ash: I noticed that. It really helped with the way Electabuzz are. Oh yeah, you got me set up with Professor Willow for a few tasks called as "Electric for Electabuzz" - it was fun working with him to get lots of stuff that can help you too.

Pikachu: Pika chu pika. ["He's so nice."]

Me: Yes, that's also a neat thing of recent times. He offers lots for a little payment, which is why I always get in touch with him. By the way, you did have enough Sinnoh Stones in this case to evolve a few Electabuzz to Electivire, right?

Ash: You had plenty. Even if you didn't, you could work on a few time-limited tasks for a few more.

Me: Neat. So how were the results in the end?

Ash: I got lots of Electabuzz, and I evolved a good one to Electivire with really good stats. You might need to battle with one, so I evolved one for that. And I evolved a Shiny one too. I got only five Shiny Electabuzz, but that seems OK.

Me: That's pretty good, and that's just enough. And I should have gotten a good stock of Candy, right?

Ash: You bet! It's a lot, but you have lots of freedom to do whatever you need with them.

Me: Great! Now, I have to tell you that we're not quite done with this for this month.

Ash: Wait, we're not done?

Pikachu: Pika? ["How so?"]

Me: Well, I'll spare the details for later. What's important is that you don't have to be involved - I'll take care of the rest myself.

Ash: That's a relief. I guess this can be so many things for us both, with or without other things we have going on.

Me: But if the results are good, then we should be thankful for them.

Ash: I would say that I agree.

Me: That's good, because that's important for this time and beyond.

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