Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Matters of Cosplay and Current Conditions

After a long time, I was able once again to take part in a real cosplay event, as I've covered two days ago. And of course, I brought my Pokémon twist to it. Yet the bigger twist is that it was held while the current conditions are still somewhat uncertain. As such, I feel that I have to say a few more words about it before moving on to other Pokémon affairs. It is important because cosplay is as much a part of what I deal with Pokémon as anything else that concerns Pokémon.

Some controversy has bubbled up over this event per the above situation. I did have some second thoughts about this, but I decided to go anyway. Part of the reason is that achievements don't make themselves, though I ended up not making one anyway for my Pokémon cosplay this time. Another is that it coincided with the Community Day for Pokémon Go this month, which would prompt me to go out and get active anyhow, and this would allow my day to be partially filled. Regardless, I could have chosen not to go, but convenience worked in my favor anyway.

In deciding to do this, I consider the health protocols to be important (in any case), and this is reflected in the "discussion" from two days ago. The face mask is important, and realizing this, some time ago I obtained one that would look good with the characters I cosplay, and I feel that I've affirmed myself in doing so. I also attempted to keep myself clean before the time when cosplay mattered, and whenever possible, I tried not to be too close to other people. Personally, I feel that I've followed the protocols (mine) as best as I can, and I feel that others should have also tried to do so.

Still, during these times, I concede that some Pokémon cosplay can work better (and perhaps safer) than others. A more covered up character like Steven Stone would be better than a less covered up one like Hau, and a character that uses up "suits" of some kind like Alakazam or Lucario would be even better protected. I of course have none of these and can only go with Ash, but if I had some of these options, I would have considered them. I'm certainly tempted to have them, but that's another story. The story of current conditions is much more pertinent.

And even in those current conditions, some have figured out ways to get things going for cosplay while I figured out how it can personally work for me with Pokémon. The hardest part would be figuring out how to stay safe while still having some fun. The current conditions are not expected to be able to clear up at the utmost soonest time, but if cosplay can work with it and personally Pokémon can work with it all, those are plus points for me to achieve all that I can achieve.

Two years ago: PikaPool

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