Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Hype and Habit and Pokémon

As is typical of many of my discussions involving Pokémon things, they are based on other things that I also pick up. This time, I picked up yet another topic from something shown on TV. A speaker on TV had been talking about how in dealing with certain initiatives, one may start an initiative with the "hype", but then the challenge is maintaining the initiative as a "habit". The initiatives in question are only very distantly related to Pokémon, but after considering what had been said by the speaker, I considered the topic to be somewhat relevant to Pokémon affairs, and that's what led me to write this post.

"Hype" is something that many gamers are familiar with, not just those that deal with Pokémon. When a new game comes about, especially a revolutionary new game, then there's likely to be "hype" or excitement for that new game. It's a neat thing to jump onto the "hype" to expect and/or play the game as it's released. But the next stage would be to make that "hype" into a "habit", meaning something that's sustainable to be continuously done and beneficial in doing so. I've discussed Gartner's "hype cycle" before, and that may be considered to tie into this topic, as the second part of that "cycle" may be considered the "habit" part after the initial "hype". Therein lies the challenge and something fascinating related to Pokémon.

For me personally, I've gotten past the point where anything Pokémon, not just games, is something that is a "hype", and they therefore become a "habit" in this case. I'm inclined to consider those things as something that I'm not just excited about, but also something to look forward to getting into whenever possible. This includes the Pokémon games on the Switch, for which I still do not have the means to play. But because of being compelled by "habit", I do wish to get into them as well. For all other Pokémon things, they'll have to wait their turn when my "habit" gets to them. The force of "habit" also explains why I've kept this blog going for a long time now; it has become more than the "hype" that I had when starting it.

Looking at those who deal with Pokémon and whom I know personally, "habit" has pretty much taken over them, whether it's for one game or another, or even something non-game as figures or the anime. They may get really excited throughout, but once they deal with the Pokémon thing, then it becomes business as usual. This indicates that they get over the "hype" quickly and fit whatever is their thing into their lives. I recall one of my figure fellows receiving many different shipments of figures, which could be full of "hype", especially to figure fiends, but for the person, it becomes just something normal, a "habit". If anything, they're like me and this blog I have.

Perhaps the takeaway for the above is that the Pokémon affairs above simply fit and work well (or can be made to be as such) for the respective people. The way to make them fit and work well then becomes the way that they become routine as a "habit" beyond the initial excitement that is the "hype". For different things and even Pokémon things, the challenge to make this happen could be a veritable one. But if successful, then one will find oneself with something long-lasting as a "habit" in contrast to a temporary "hype". That seems to be good for the initiatives the person discussed as well as those of a Pokémon nature.

Three years ago: How Many Is Too Many?

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