Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Road to 25th Anniversary: 25, Anniversaries, and More

Last year, I discussed about the anniversary of a local TV channel and its tagline for that occasion (see below). Evidently, today is that day again, and I'm tempted to discuss it again because of further relevance. Instead, I don't want to touch on it too much right now - there's another special way it might be relevant - and I want to discuss the upcoming anniversary for Pokémon, which would be its 25th, and today happens to be the 25th of the month, so things fit in. I figure that there isn't a better occasion than right now to discuss what could possibly lead up to that upcoming anniversary.

The anniversary of the TV channel actually coincides with a commemoration for certain people who bring knowledge to other people, otherwise known as teachers, in a formal sense. I'm not really cut out to be one of these, but as I've explained in a different post, I can do something similar with Pokémon and still have fun with it, as two sides of the same coin. I'd like to think that I'm still doing this even now with all the topics that I discuss, things that I cover, and facets that I expose. This also applies for my 25th anniversary coverage, even though information may be scanty or speculative.

And that brings me to the information about that. Currently, information is not absolute but still somewhat hearsay, but reports have shown that there may be sufficient indication that much of the hopes and dreams of Pokémon fans all over may be about to be fulfilled, with new games and new elements for existing games like the TCG, which already has some certainty. The form may or may not be as it's purported to be, but if it's even remotely similar, then it's fulfilled regardless. As with previous occasions, announcements will tell the tale, especially on that very day or even just before and after.

A few recent developments have indicated that the anniversary may very well be shaping up. The link between Pokémon Go and Pokémon Home has been established, allowing transfer from the former to the latter, and I will detail this later. Pokémon Go itself is due for some big steps ahead with significant additions, and this will also be detailed soon enough. The TCG continues to develop, as in the case of the local TCG, which has entered the Sword and Shield era even with nary a physical competition in sight. These are, of course, only the tip of the iceberg, especially for the anniversary.

On this day of a particular anniversary, which appropriately falls on the 25th of the month, it seems fitting to discuss about another and a more relevant anniversary for me and its fans, that of Pokémon and its upcoming big 25th anniversary. The two anniversaries might not have anything much in common except this time for the concurrent number above, but there's at least a certain momentum that the former lends to me discussing the latter. As more and more things become evident, it will then really be the time for that celebration, hopefully with some of the same spirit as the current one.

One year ago: Spreading Inspiration

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