Monday, November 8, 2021

YouTube Pokémon Highlights: Other Species Channels

In the last time I made a "YouTube Pokémon Highlight", I highlighted an odd and funny YouTube channel that was named after a certain Legendary Pokémon, Kyogre. Since then, it has become quite popular, garnering 121K subscribers and rendering it worthy of a Silver Play Button. It's a neat accomplishment, even considering that the channel was only started in May 2020. As it turns out, it's also not the only YouTube channel named after a Pokémon; quite a few others exist to differing levels of success, but they are still worthy of being highlighted, which becomes the purpose of this post. The channels I'm highlighting here all have at least one video uploaded and commented once on a video.

The fellow members of the "Legendary trio" of Hoenn also have their own channels, albeit with much less success. Groudon has its channel, which started in February 2019 and has 178 subscribers, but only two uploads at present. Meanwhile, Rayquaza has only started this month on November 4; it has only 23 subscribers but three uploads. Their content is still remarkably a lot like Kyogre, and seeing their fellow member with great success, it may hope to inspire them to attain that same success.

From the Sinnoh region, the members of its "Legendary trio" have channels as well. A channel for Dialga started in September 2020, has a good number of uploads, and has 12.5K subscribers to its name. Palkia has a channel that also started in September 2020, also with a good number of uploads and 6.64K subscribers. Interestingly, Giratina has two channels, one of them having started in December 2019 with only 11 subscribers and 3 uploads, and another in May 2021 with 20 subscribers and 1 upload. These two may have a long way to go in order to catch up to Dialga or even Kyogre, but given their upload paucity, that may not be their primary concern.

Other Pokémon also have their own channels besides those in the "trio" groups such as the above. Dipping back into Hoenn, Latios has a channel that started in December 2020, now with 4.43K subscribers and a good number of entertaining videos. Then, there is Zygarde that started in May 2019, now possessing 20.9K subscribers. It should be noted that all of the above channels that I've highlighted are of Legendary Pokémon species and have similar content, but that shows how popular they and their content are.

Kyogre remains the most popular of the above, with the number of subscribers being greater than all others. Still, it becomes evident that it's not the only one with odd and funny content in the same way that it's not the solely popular species of (Legendary) Pokémon. All the others above vie for the same level of popularity with their spin on similar content as well as the figure support that the Pokémon provides. Any and all of these (Legendary) Pokémon species channels may just provide entertainment that lives up to the stature of their species.

One year ago: The Beautiful Game(s)?
Three years ago: A Raid Dream

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