Thursday, November 18, 2021

Living Further with My Buddy

Quite a long time ago, before the conditions of the world turned sour, Pokémon Go revamped its Buddy Pokémon system to a "version 2" of sorts. The revamp allows Trainers to get close to their Pokémon in many ways and get useful benefits. Since that time, the system has been revamped slightly further, and I've made my own advancements with the system. That seems to make a story that is worth telling, regarding how I'm living further with my Buddy Pokémon.

First up are the improvements that make the further living possible. Some months ago, the "battle with the Buddy" aspect was expanded, and it is now possible to earn 3 hearts for the aspect, just like for feeding and walking. As a consequence, Buddy Pokémon can now become Best Buddies in a shorter time, with 13 days as the new minimum (with Excited mood and full hearts each day). Speaking of the Excited mood, the method to attain this without using a Poffin was simplified, removing much of the effort and guesswork; it still takes some effort within a span of a few hours, but the effort may be worth it, leaving the Poffins to be used only in a real pinch when necessary.

Then there are my personal advancements. Since the first time I discussed about "living" with my Buddy Pokémon, much has changed; now I have more than 10 Best Buddies, with some being Buddy Pokémon for Community Day and others being Buddy Pokémon for different reasons. One of them is Buddy-based evolution, as I have a Sylveon Best Buddy that I evolved and then made Best Buddy as the opportunity arose, and another is Mega Evolution, in order to make the Pokémon re-earn Mega Energy that had been spent to Mega Evolve. For efficiency, as well as to aid a Buddy Pokémon to become Excited, I've also periodically swapped Buddy Pokémon whenever possible and as I remember to do so.

My Buddy Pokémon has always been traditionally that of the species (family) of the next Community Day for the reason of obtaining Candy, which is still valid to some extent. Yet with Community Day having settled on the extended format, as well as some extended gaps between editions and repeats of them, Candy is less of an issue now than it was in the past. Therefore, it is likely that I will likely spend time with Buddy Pokémon for Community Day up to the point it becomes a Best Buddy, and then periodically spend time with others, especially ones that are not yet Best Buddies, in order to get them up to that status. Buddy swapping may be helpful in this case.

It seems that by now the workings of the Buddy Pokémon system has settled, and the improvements to the system has only made things much more convenient for the Buddy Pokémon as well as its Trainer. In that case - as I can attest - there is still a lot of living to do for Trainers and their Buddy Pokémon, for whatever purpose the latter may serve to the former in the continued journey of Pokémon Go.

One year ago: Pokémon "Genealogy"
Two years ago: Drafts Piling Up
Three years ago: Trough of Disillusionment

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