Sunday, November 7, 2021

From Games to...

Pokémon is, has always been, and always will be linked to games. That is a fact that will always remain true no matter what happens. Yet it's also undeniable that Pokémon has now begotten many things besides games. That makes for a fascinating journey going from games to different things, and it's one that I would like to go through (or rather, am going through) as well, having started with the games and gone on to practically everything else. This is even with the consideration of the similar journeys of others, though theirs are not necessarily with Pokémon.

One of my gaming friends has a significant interest in another game series that I fortunately enjoy, and that friend also has a certain role in its community. That interest is (in part, if nothing else) what likely led my friend to be able to publish a book - a novel, to be exact; my friend recently received the first printed copies. It may be considered that there was an inspirational link between that novel and the interest in that game series. Furthermore, the novel is the first part of what will be a series that comprises a few parts. I can only express my best wishes for this novel series and perhaps what could be many more.

Meanwhile, today I watched a talk show that featured people related to games as the topic of the specific episode. One of them stayed a gamer and became a pro (essentially), while another became a game producer and yet another became a security consultant. The latter two represent the most significant transformations, one more related and the other less related to games. In all cases, though - aside from not having (significant) relations to Pokémon - games provided them with the insights, and even multiple perspectives, that they need and that becomes key to their successes in whatever they do in games and beyond.

The journey that I wish to tread (or am treading) myself would be much closer to that of my friend with the book rather than the three people; the former represents something I'm most adept with, compared to what the three people bring to the table, and even has been the case since pretty much nearly the first year I started this blog. Even so, the insights that I gain are or would be much the same as that which has been gained by the three people. But most importantly, the journey has to continue to involve Pokémon, having been a key part of the early parts of that journey, which is still the case today. 

If all the people above can affirm something else, it is that games are journeys themselves from their creation up to their play and mastery; their application to other things would be the "extended journey". Pokémon games can be affirmed to have gone through the main journey and the extended journey. In much the same way, the people above have taken their journeys as well, even with nary a sign of Pokémon involvement. As for me, the journey with Pokémon continues, with the hope that later on it will become fruitful for me and pretty much all Pokémon fans.

Two years ago: (Out of) the Mainstream

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