Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Pressing the B Button... Realistically

In the main series of Pokémon games, the B button has an important function and plays an important role. It serves as a way to "cancel" certain interactions that occur in the game, if the opportunities for doing so present themselves. Pressing the button selects the choice that by default annuls a previous choice and/or closes a currently open menu, which is important because it means a faster navigation; one doesn't have to select that choice manually and the intent is understood. Therefore, its usage is rather essential, equal to knowing about the feature in the first place.

The most basic and most essential function of this role is to close the "adventure menu" among all other menus. The menu has a "close" option, but realistically, one wouldn't really go directly to the option and select it to close the menu; one would just press the B button (as an alternative to the "menu button" that summoned the menu prior) to dismiss the menu after or without doing something if the menu was brought up unintentionally. The most advanced function of the role is its usage to stop a Pokémon from evolving, which is only described in the Trainer manual and not on screen. It becomes something that Trainers "just have to know" in order to perform it when it's very much necessary to do so. Between these functions, the button's role is quite evident when an option to "cancel" or "go back" is also as such.

With that, it seems that it's fairly easy for people or nature to press the figurative "B button", speaking from experience. There has been a given opportunity that was suddenly taken away just as soon as it was given - the button here being "pressed" instantly. Then, there was something that appeared to be definitive, yet pulled away at nearly the last moment - though in some ways this may need further confirmation as to whether the button has actually been "pressed". As well, there is something natural for which the button has been "pressed" a few times in the past few days, and many people are still reeling because of the situation.

After years and years of Pokémon games, the role of the B button has been practically cemented as something with a definite function that one can rely upon at different times and points in those games. But then again, so it seems that people and nature can take advantage of the figurative "button" and "press" it for certain cancellations - good or bad, depending on the way things go. Yet it may be that the situations are just as essential as pressing the actual button itself, when the time comes for one to do it and go on.

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