Friday, November 9, 2018

3D Printing and Pokémon

Technology has come a long way. One of the things that shows how far it has come is 3D printing, which a few decades ago was barely a figment of imagination. Today, with a 3D printer, it is possible to make certain physical objects with one, given the appropriate model. Of course, these physical objects also might include things that are related to Pokémon, so that should make many Pokémon fans glad, including me. 3D printing may just be able to help realize some Pokémon objects in physical form.

And in fact, it has. One of my figure fellows who has access to a 3D printer recently printed out a miniature model of Beldum out of resin. It was teased the night before the reveal, while the model was still being printed, with an image of the printer console; others were wondering just what it was, while I guessed right that it was 3D printing. That little story aside, the model turned out rather great; it is highly accurate with all the details that a Beldum should have. The resin material itself is red, but there's no stopping anyone resourceful from painting it to resemble an actual Beldum. I'm thoroughly impressed.

Because 3D printers have the capability to realize 3D objects in actual form, they could conceivably be used to realize Pokémon that aren't (often) modeled. Some of my figure fellows are already in fact considering this lucrative idea for certain figures. Outside of figures, a 3D printer may be useful to visualize some parts that may be needed for my cosplay efforts, or even to fix particular parts, though currently I have only the faintest idea of how this might work.

The current problem is that 3D printers are not (yet) commonplace; they're only available to select people like the figure fellow I mentioned above. Really good printers cost really good amounts of money as well, something I don't necessarily have, though the printing material may be a bit more reasonable. And of course, to print something, I need to have the model, either made by myself (difficult) or made by someone else (reasonable, but still a bit difficult). Those are major hurdles for me to get into.

3D printing is a quite novel and relatively recent technology with benefits that already manifest themselves. But unlike its paper brethren, it does not seem like it's something for everyone. Nevertheless, its relation to Pokémon is already apparent, in making something that is only imaginary appear in a more realistic and tangible form. Without a doubt, this becomes something that I and many Pokémon fans desire.

One year ago: (Mid-)Generational Updates

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