Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Challenging New(ly Returning) PvP Happenings

It's almost the end of the current Go Battle League season as well as the Pokémon Go season, and I haven't updated on big PvP happenings since the Little Jungle Cup around two months ago. There are actually a couple of those happenings (plus a little more) that represent new happenings but also "returning" ones in a sense, which is why I've titled the post as above due to their contrasting qualities, yet are seemingly together for the happenings.

Over a year ago, the Premier Cup was introduced for the Master League and eventually the Ultra League. Since then, it has occasionally reappeared as the respective Leagues were introduced (or else substituted or complemented by a Remix or a Classic version). Late in October, during the second Ultra League period along with the Ultra League itself, the Premier concept met the Classic concept and converged as the Ultra League Premier Classic, formally called "UL Premier Classic". As expected, this means that Pokémon up to Level 40 can be put into battle, excluding any Legendary or Mythical Pokémon. Ultra League has few Legendary contenders, but they may still be problematic, as is the Pokémon that thanks to the level expansion are now viable for the Ultra League; the removal of both seems to do wonders for battles in this format.

A couple of weeks later, Master League received the same treatment alongside its normal iteration, creating the Master League Premier Classic, formally called "ML Premier Classic". Many more Legendary contenders are present in the normal Master League, and their removal for the new format keeps them in check; all other Pokémon that can be powered up to Level 40 and are viable for the normal format can now battle each other as equals once they are at that point. In fact, it can be considered that both of these new formats serve the purpose of emulating the PvP period prior to the Go Beyond update while still allowing regular Pokémon species introduced since then to take part, a noble cause that succeeds well.

During Halloween, the Halloween Cup returned to challenge Trainers in both new ways and old ways, allowing new species and old standbys to also battle on even footing. Meanwhile, during the recent Master League period, a "Player's Choice" cup was returned, which was decided by voting on Twitter. The winner was the Kanto Cup, which is already pretty much set in its ways; it's evident that it won, as it may be of interest to and have some purpose for some Trainers despite or even because of the established properties. It is nonetheless a good alternative to the Master League formats.

The "Premier Classic" formats combine the sensibilities of the two separate league formats and create a competition format that hearkens back to the pre-Go Beyond period but allows for forward thinking. This goes along with the return of the Halloween Cup and Kanto Cup - one dictated by occasion and the other dictated by the whims of Trainers - for new challenges that aren't exactly new for this season in Pokémon Go PvP, but can always return anew as things change beyond PvP.

Two years ago: Cosplay: CHoCoDays 2019
Four years ago: Catching Them All

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