Monday, November 15, 2021

Pokémon Cafe Delights

Every so often, I fantasize about going to Japan to do all the things that I want to do there, including things related to Pokémon. One of those things is to visit one of the locations of Pokémon Cafe - possibly that of Tokyo as the most likely place I'd go to. It's a fun place that's all decked out in Pokémon style, if the pictures on its web site are of any indication. What's even more fun is the delights that the café provides, certainly in food form but also in merchandise form, as it is part of Pokémon Center after all.

The food selection consists of just a few regular dishes, but the few dishes that are present are still impressive. I've been looking over things, and I'm taken with the "Favorite Pikachu Plate", which includes a Poké Ball-topped macaroni casserole and a Pikachu tail omelet. Aside from the regular dishes, there are also special commemorative dishes, such as for the recently-passed Halloween and the anniversary of the café. If I have the chance to go, I would have to consider whether to go for a regular dish or a special one, possibly depending on the time of year and what I'd like to get.

Alongside food, there have to be drinks, moreover since it's primarily a café. These are more numerous yet simplistic, but still attractive. The "Eevee Royal Milk Tea" has caught my attention, as does the "Mix au Lait", but I can also see myself settling for an "Original Cup Drink". Any of these should go well with whatever food I decide to order should I be able to go, but as with food, new drinks are likely to appear. Therefore, they likewise may need to be decided when the visit happens.

Following food and drinks, dessert is always appropriate as a way to cap off meals, and there are the sweets selections for this. The regular selection is not very many (and may be due to change as well), but for now I can pick out the "Very Chocolate Parfait" as a possible selection. Even so, the café actually has its own "dessert arm" as Pikachu Sweets, and the selection here is much broader, including sweeter drinks; it is perhaps much better to select dessert from here instead. The Pikachu cakes are good choices, and so are the parfaits, all of which would perhaps go great with a drink like the "Electro Ball Squash".

Regarding merchandise, there are the usual suspects of plush dolls and other trinkets, but since this is an eatery, there is something else: quite a bit of the dining ware and utensils are also available for purchase to take home, including with the dishes as above. It means that one is able to "take the action home" after the visit. That said, I would be inclined to make a few purchases in this regard so I can do just that, while still considering what other merchandise I should get in addition to the meal.

It will still be a very long while before I have the opportunity to visit Japan and therefore the Pokémon Cafe, especially with current conditions still being present. But given what the Pokémon Cafe has to present, it becomes a rather necessary destination for any Pokémon fan that wishes to come to the land where everything started and have the experience of their lives, specifically a culinary one with the Cafe. After that, then there is the intriguing possibility of taking the experience home with the appropriate merchandise. That seems enough to be fantasized by any Pokémon fan, including me.

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