Saturday, September 4, 2021

YouTube Pokémon Highlights: The Lighter Side

After discussing about hardships, it is perhaps a good thing to discuss about humor - the lighter side of things - and in particular of Pokémon, which is served up thanks to the video site of YouTube. Humor is a natural fodder for any video site, and YouTube has that in spades. The same goes for humor involving Pokémon, which is also present to a great extent. The channels I'm about to highlight represent just a fraction of that extent, but they should be uniquely representative of what they have to offer regarding Pokémon humor.

Pokémon is and has always been about the games, so it's no surprise that some YouTube humor features them. Some of those are contained in a channel called eno, which features footage of the games (mostly older ones) that are remixed, often with other facets of popular culture. Topics that have been presented have included the moral dilemma of robbing graves, the beat of Violet City, and the disappointment of fishing expectations. For those who have played the games, memories are sure to be rekindled, and at the same time, the humor is sure to strike a chord when the key point is recognized.

Those who are more interested in more current games might be more interested in the things that are offered by the channel of Kyogre (yes, the same name as the Legendary Pokémon). True to its name, many of the videos feature the titular Pokémon in various situations, notably from the Sword and Shield games, as with one interaction with a Shiny Ditto and another interaction against its Shiny form. For something not related to Kyogre, there is one of Wooloo using a move it doesn't typically use in battle. There are also a few videos from and for other Pokémon games such as Unite, but by and large, they mostly pertain to the self-described blue whale with a funny smile.

Moving away from the games, there is the Pokémon anime with its share of funny moments. Many of them have been memorialized by a channel called PokéFun, as with Misty becoming angry with Psyduck, Ash transforming into a Pikachu, and Brock catching a Pineco. This channel is relatively new - having only been started five months ago - but its content is quite attractive for and fondly remembered by Pokémon fans, so the hope is that it may be able to last, just as much as the content has lasting value. Even now, new content is still being posted, which may speak for the desired longevity of the channel, just as long as the memories contained in the clips.

Another channel that preserves fun clips from the anime is called BestGreenBoi. It is called as such because it refers to and honors Cilan, the well-known green-haired guy from Unova. True to the name, many clips feature either Cilan or clips from the Unova saga, such as Ash opening up the watery world of Oshawott and Cilan showing his interest in trains as well as keeping his possessions squeaky clean. Other clips are mixes from later sagas and languages as well. This channel is only about one and a half years old, and its clips are only slightly varied, but they should be likewise entertaining for the respective fans.

The great thing about Pokémon today is that it offers different possibilities for entertaining many people, not just solely through games as it had been in the past. Luckily, that includes humor (or at the least what can construed to be humor) that arise in various situations in the games as the primary medium and the anime as the alternate medium. The people on YouTube are evidently willing to furnish that Pokémon humor in various forms, especially to keep hardship distanced and entertainment available.

One year ago: Worlds Within Worlds
Three years ago: AFA ID in Memoriam
Four years ago: Cold as the Winds

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