Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The State of Nominations, Part 12

There are things that I'm fond of and not so fond of when I'm nominating places to become PokéStops in Pokémon Go. I'll get to them shortly, but for now, as it has been two months since my last update on the matter, it is certainly time to bring it up again and see how I've progressed on it over that time. The things that I've mentioned above certainly apply in that progression, but so is the actual progression and how things have turned out since the last time.

That progression would be indicated by the hard numbers. Notably, across the board, the numbers of results have increased on all fronts. The total of approved nominations has increased to 64 from 61, which is wonderful. The total of superseded nominations has increased to 13 from 11, which is slightly regrettable but still works out somehow. The total of rejected nominations has increased to 29 from 27, which is very much regrettable. Currently, I have 9 nominations in progress, including 1 renomination, and they should have some potential to contribute, which will be seen next time.

One of the things that I'm fond of is when a nomination gets approved quickly, which happened with a recent nomination. The review process only took six days to approval, in comparison to other, more recent approvals, which took two or more months. Another thing is being able to go into an area with relatively sparse PokéStops and being able to spot places that definitely need to be nominated in order to not only add to the overworld map but also point out its existence. This last bit is not only important but also fun.

On the other hand, one thing I'm not fond of continues to be "wild" rejections, something that has persisted even from last year. This is when a nomination is rejected but the reason itself doesn't appear to be valid, and even now it still occurs, from clear pictures thought to be blurry and pictures that are deemed irrelevant when they are not. The solution seems to remain the same as before: to be persistent in nominating, at least when it is appropriate to do so in order to avoid a "wild" rejection.

In the times ahead, I may focus my nomination efforts to renominate places that deserve it, including considering ones that have been rejected twice; new places may also be need to be found to supplant rejected nominations. And of course, as above, I'm interested to go into places I've never been to and to spot places to nominate, which may then be nominated then and there or whenever I find it appropriate.,

It seems that whatever happens with nominations, including things that I'm fond of and not so fond of, one thing is clear: I'm fond of nominating new PokéStops and reporting or detailing on my progress for that. It partially reflects my progression in Pokémon Go and my sense of adventure to seek new places and make them known in the best way I can, just like this Trainer strives for the best with Pokémon.

One year ago: The Leek and Pokémon
Two years ago: Cosplay: Isekai
Three years ago: A Merchandise Dream
Four years ago: Unified Centers and Marts

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