Wednesday, September 1, 2021

The Season of Mischief

Oh yes, it's certainly true. The next season in line for Pokémon Go is one that is likely to contain many (potential) shenanigans, and it's appropriately entitled the Season of Mischief. It's obvious that in two months there will be a certain festivity for mischief, but that's for later. Right now, it's the implementation in Pokémon Go that matters, along with what kinds of signs that are suggested in the greater world of Pokémon that fits along with the season. In addition to the definite things, there is some room for indefinite things, and both certainly need to (try to) be discerned.

Much of the mischief that has occurred in Pokémon Go recently has been due to the "lord of the rings" that is Hoopa, and that has been hinted to continue as this season progresses. Eventually, Hoopa itself will manifest, but not before Trainers go through hoops (some pun intended) in order to allow Hoopa to do just that. And then there is that festivity of mischief, which has always been and will be part of Pokémon Go, just as well as it has gotten along with Pokémon in general. Much more is to unfold (gradually), and that's something to keep track of - but that will certainly be for later posts.

Meanwhile, in the general realm of Pokémon, it becomes evident that the release of Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, the newest members of the main series games, will coincide with this season. While the release itself likely won't be or linked to any shenanigans, what happens surrounding the release might be considered alike to them in different ways. It will still also be a little more than two months before that happens, but it's worth it to remind myself - even continuously - to avoid the potential shenanigans that might occur before I have the chance to deal with things.

And to deal with things is the key, for the mischief for Pokémon can take various forms, if any loyal and devoted fan have things to say about them and how they usually occur. Hoopa has already had its say with the shenanigans that have just occurred in Pokémon Go, and the fans have had their say when they awaited the Sinnoh remakes for a few years. Both of these will have their answers soon enough as the season that has been "branded" with mischief occurs, and the things that take place will define the shenanigans - or perhaps it could also be the other way around.

One year ago: Let's Go Mega Evolve
Three years ago: Between Bugs and Features

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