Saturday, September 18, 2021

To Care and To Protect

There's a certain initiative out there that has good intentions and, despite the background workings being somewhat problematic due to certain issues, will more or less necessarily involve the local populace. That initiative has the intent to make sure that the local people are attended to and safe from harm. As such, it involves the two key words in the title of this post: "care" and "protect". As is the norm for this blog, I'd like to discuss the initiative and its separate elements in Pokémon terms in order to gain at least a specific understanding of them.

The first one, "care", can have many implications, especially in regard to Pokémon. But for the most part, when caring for Pokémon is of concern, it really is about attending to the creatures - making sure their innate desires are fulfilled if possible and keeping them in line. With the way that Trainers are, this is likely to involve striking the delicate balance between going all out in battle and having to attend to them afterwards (as shown by Pokémon Refresh). That may be a bit of a tall order, but a skilled Trainer should know when and how to care for their Pokémon in the best way possible.

Moving on to the second, "protect" also has a bevy of meanings, but it is likewise possible to pin down a common understanding for Trainers and their Pokémon. For them, the protection that is afforded concerns how their ways of living are maintained and how to direct change toward the better. These become rather evident when fending off certain teams with malicious intent. Those things may in fact be pretty big things to protect, but Trainers and Pokémon who understand ought to be able to think up of ways to do exactly that.

Much of the implications and meanings above seem to be present in the initiative. It is meant to be a way to care for the concerns of all people who are part of it and to protect the interests of the same people. The only thing left is the issues that make the initiative slightly somewhat problematic. Certain events and issues have raised these issues, which have become their concern and likewise mine.

Me: What do you think?

Ash: You know, I, Pikachu, and others with me have to face these things all the time. I know you're worried, but you ought to have faith that someone will come along and fix things up.

Pikachu: Pika! ["Yes!"]

Ash: If it matters that much to many people, if they don't get fixed, then someone has to fix it, otherwise it would be a total embarrassment just like what happened to you.

Me: Well, I see what you're saying.

Ash: Don't worry - if the thing is to care and to protect, then it has to be protected and cared for too. We'll support you if you need.

Pikachu: Pi, pika pika. ["Yes, surely."]

Me: That's a good reassurance.

In any case, the initiative is here to stay for what might seem the longest time and it will be quite hard to opt out of it. I ought to delve into the initiative and finally jump in when it becomes appropriate, as appropriate as caring and protecting should be.

Two years ago: Raid Failures
Three years ago: A Restarted Fever?

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