Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Pokémon Go Multiple Pokédexes, Realized

Around a year ago, I posted an explanation and expansion of an idea someone had to expand the Pokédex in Pokémon Go and have it cover multiple aspects. I'm happy to say that the idea has been realized in more or less the same way that it was conceived. Two months ago, selected Trainers received the feature in an initial rollout and testing, and not long after, all Trainers received the feature as a full implementation. Since I took up an entire post to discuss the idea, I should take a full post as well to discuss the implementation.

Many of the posited concepts were realized as conceived, including the Shiny, Shadow, and Purified Pokédexes by the observer, and the Lucky Pokédex conception by me. The way that the Shiny and Lucky Pokédexes work is that Pokémon that have been seen and/or caught as Shiny and obtained as Lucky respectively, the latter with the customary shaded background plus yellow bubbles, are included with blank spaces for other species as with the normal Pokédex. In the Shadow and Purified Pokédexes, since only certain Pokémon have been available in Shadow and Purified form, all seen and caught species are lumped as one but still in the expected order, and the Pokémon appear with the purple fire and white glow respectively.

Meanwhile, the Costume Pokédex idea was realized, only it's not called that; it is called the Event Pokédex, and it contains all available "costumed" forms in order just like with the Shadow and Purified Pokédexes above. Two additional conceptions that weren't thought of were also realized, which are the 3 Stars and Shiny 3 Stars Pokédexes. These obviously include Pokémon that were obtained with their appraisal being as such, the latter also being Shiny. The latter two of these might be considered a little superfluous, but for Trainers who feel quite jaunty and flaunty, they might very well be considered necessary in addition to just keeping track of things in general.

As a whole, the realization of the idea couldn't be more perfect, as it is quite in line with what has been posited, with all conceived aspects realized, even including a couple that were neither expected nor ideated. The thought process behind the realization must have been in line with the way that the conceptions were created, which should be a very good thing indeed. This also alludes to the possibility of expanding the conceptions, for example as a Shiny Shadow Pokédex, as not all Shadow Pokémon can be Shiny. If realized, it may take some time, but that may be welcomed.

Multiple Pokédexes in Pokémon Go had only remained an idea from last year, but with a good process of realization, the idea - now implemented as a feature - is quite tangible for Trainers to take advantage of, in ways that are both expected and unexpected. The only thing to expect now is Trainers making good use of these new Pokédexes to track and pursue Pokémon with various aspects to include them in their Pokédexes.

Three years ago: Other Uses of Pokémon Go
Four years ago: Incubators in Pokémon Go

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