Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Mallow and Ina, Chef and Contessa

I've detailed some (of my) impressions about Mallow from the Alola saga of the Pokémon anime, around one and a half years ago. She's a real personality where she is involved as the character of a chef. But then, so are some chef personalities of the real world, particularly from the Food Network, something I've also stated that I have an interest in. In light of Mallow, I am reminded of another chef personality of the Food Network that I also really like: Ina Garten, also known as the Barefoot Contessa.

There are actually some minor similarities between the two, apart from the fact that they are both female. Ina is tied to an eatery and shop called the "Barefoot Contessa" (yes, also the origin of her "title"), which she purchased on a whim and turned into a highly successful business, and this parallels that of Mallow's café. Besides cooking for an eatery, though, both can cook down-home food that anyone can like, Ina being evidenced through her show with her attributed title and Mallow through what she presents in the anime.

Mallow lives in the island paradise of the Alola region, while Ina and her husband Jeffrey live on Long Island in a region known as a paradise for the wealthy (East Hampton). Despite Ina being in a place for the rich, her food attempts to display sensibility rather than to flaunt wealth, at least in most cases, being perfectly replicable by the best yet most accessible ingredients. Meanwhile, Mallow cooks good food that others can and do pay for, but that great food can easily be elevated to extremely awesome food with the best ingredients, even hard-to-find ones. Some of these are stark differences between the two chefs, but they can also be considered to be partial parallels as well.

Incidentally, while viewing my YouTube feed, I've noticed that they have at times appeared next to each other. There would be the "Mallow, the Masterful Chef" video from the official Pokémon YouTube channel, and then there would be one of Ina's clips from her show from Food Network. It might be simple to attribute this to coincidence, but given my experiences, I prefer not to do so; instead, I consider it meant to be and as something that I can be happy for - and of course, enjoy.

I suppose I find it pleasing to be in the accompaniment of two chefs, Mallow and Ina. One delivers good food in paradise with a Pokémon twist, and the other delivers great food from paradise with an everyday twist. They're both something that the respective people would be pleased to consume. Thus, it is fitting to call them chefs by what they do, and it seems just fitting to call them with the title of "contessa" as well - one the Contessa of Alola and not necessarily barefoot, and the other the one and only Barefoot Contessa.

Two years ago: Cosplay: GACOS LEVELUP
Four years ago: Riot of Pokémon Color

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