Friday, April 17, 2020

Impressions of Chef Mallow

Anyone who has watched the Sun and Moon series (the Alola saga) of the Pokémon anime will surely recognize Mallow, as one of the key supporting characters of the primary group. She is one of the classmates of Ash in the Pokémon School, which is an expansion of her role in the games. When she's not at the school, she is at the family cafe to help out and sometimes cook. This last bit becomes what could be said to be the most interesting part of her personality, one that leads to some impressions of her.

One impression is that she is a very fine cook tending to a chef. It has been demonstrated that she can cook something good (to a certain extent) even without the best ingredients, while given the best ingredients, she can make something stellar. Her eye for ingredients seems to be keen as well, with the know-how to get them aside from the know-how to turn them into something stellar. Altogether, these constitute the makings of a great chef, if they don't already make her out to be such, which is great as well.

There is a sense that this may be and has been attested by representation or attribution. One such representation or attribution is on a menu for a certain Pokémon party, which I had happened to cover on this blog. The featured dish was a curry and chutney, which is rather fitting to what she had made on that one occasion. Given the specialties of her family cafe, it may be possible to make other representation or attributions that would only serve to highlight her capabilities.

Mallow can then be regarded to have a "symbolic persistence" as a chef. It becomes natural to talk about food and Pokémon and then to involve her somehow. While the anime has moved past the Alola saga, this certainly becomes one of the memorable facets of this saga that is also quite representative as well. I wouldn't mind still being able to represent or attribute her by way of food and specifically different dishes, and I surmise I may not be the only one.

As a final thought, "Mallow" as her name represents a group of plants that are in fact edible, in that their leaves can be eaten, sometimes without cooking, as a vegetable. It's definitely a tie-in to her personality and gives weight to her impressions in general. Those impressions can then be said to be "lasting" with all that goes for her within the anime and beyond. Perhaps to call her "Chef Mallow" would not be an understatement and would be in line with those impressions.

One year ago: Choosing Pathways
Two years ago: And Again, I Dream
Three years ago: We're All Tied to Pokémon

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