Sunday, April 5, 2020

Writer Shortcuts

As a Pokémon blogger, I'm always looking for ways to be able to write my posts quicker. This is especially true when I already have my post ideas (which may already be in the form of drafts) but not a lot of time to write about them, particularly after I use that time to look for and into ideas for my posts in the first place. That's an important thing, and it can affect my writing time; when that happens, I need to get writing quickly, sometimes very quickly in some cases. Fortunately, there are some ways or "shortcuts" that I can take to write my posts more quickly.

One of those shortcuts involve using my phone to write my posts. For every piece of text I need to input on my phone, I use my phone's virtual keyboard, which is also equipped with the gesture typing feature. Since I discovered the feature ages ago, it has always been the primary way I input text. I tend to be a slow typer, whether it's on my phone or on a PC, so sometimes the speed afforded by the gesture typing feature can be helpful. I don't really like to type in an abbreviated manner anyway for most things, so it helps in that regard. Of course, when I'm out and about, such as at an event where Pokémon is involved, my phone becomes the only option, but it's a good option to have. It has many uses, for blogging and beyond.

Along with gesture typing, my phone's virtual keyboard has a "word book" feature that remembers my most-often inputted text, so sometimes I can input text simply using cues from the word book, perhaps quickly and saving a bit of time. The word book feature can also remember the most esoteric things I input, including names of certain Pokémon, specifically the most common ones I input such as Pikachu, as well as the word "Pokémon" itself. It is almost certain that I may have to type Pokémon names that I don't commonly use (one current example is Scorbunny), but after enough times I input them, the word book will eventually learn to keep it, particularly for use with gesture typing. That too helps to speed up writing my posts.

There are a couple of other shortcuts that I don't use but may be useful to be implemented and/or used. My phone's virtual keyboard also includes a voice typing feature, but I rarely use it since I often write my posts under "noisy" circumstances, and I consider that they may possibly interfere with the accuracy of the feature. Still, it's reasonably accurate, at least for non-Pokémon expressions, so I can use it every so often if at all possible. Another thing that I can use is the automatic text feature of my word processor on my PC, which could possibly be configured to hold many Pokémon names for easy access. As it stands, though, I rarely use the program for Pokémon writing, so there's not much point, but it could become an option once I have to deal with Pokémon writing frequently off of my blog, which I hope could be the case.

I always have some time for Pokémon things, including writing the posts on this blog, but that doesn't mean I always have lots of time. Therefore, I will often have to seek shortcuts to assist in writing the posts on this blog to make effective use of the (only) time I have, besides getting the ideas for them through the other things I do. All of the shortcuts above can and do help me accomplish the writing process when time is short. Even with the shortcuts and shortness of time, my fondness and appreciation for Pokémon are things that aren't short, and they're exactly what I try to express, even with the use of the shortcuts.

One year ago: Pokémon Go Fest 2017 T-Shirt Replica
Two years ago: 1000 Pokémon Species?
Three years ago: That Way You've Got

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