Saturday, April 25, 2020

Pokémon Go Community Day, 4/25/2020

Last month, Community Day for Pokémon Go was postponed, owing to an unfortunate circumstance in today's world that has still unfortunately persisted until who knows when. This month, the event has returned, picking up where it left off. And that is very much true: the featured Pokémon for this month is Abra, in order to do what couldn't be done last month. Now, current circumstances are very much limiting and are not likely to leave much room for going places to do things, let alone to go through Community Day in the same manner as it has always been done. But even with those limits, this Community Day managed to be quite eventful, being able to make do within them.

As with past Community Days, this one has its usual "bones". Abra is abound everywhere, including with its Shiny form. The exclusive move for evolving Abra all the way to Alakazam is Counter, which is a Fast Move that may have its uses. The bonus for this edition is triple Stardust for every caught Pokémon, which is surely helpful for the Abra family and beyond, a change from the initial conception. Unlike past editions, however, Lure Modules are not extended; instead, Incense is, to the usual length of three hours. That's because this Community Day is officially dubbed as the "Play at Home Edition", and the changes were made to encourage and support that.

As a matter of fact, there were also plenty of things that were changed around for this one. The event itself is extended to double its usual length for a total of six hours. Those with Buddy Pokémon of Great Buddy level or higher can expect surprises in the form of gifts from the Buddy containing a smattering of Poké Balls, which may become very helpful. The Community Day Box in the in-game Shop, which has proven its helpfulness at times, now contains an Elite Charged TM, but is also more expensive and can only be purchased once as a result. During the event, Abra also appears in taken photos of Pokémon. All of these changes are as wild as they are surely helpful.

As reported in my event rollup last month, the Community Day is to be accompanied with an additional paid Special Research called "Investigating Illusions", and that has not changed. For a small price, a Trainer may opt to purchase a four-page Special Research of 12 tasks (actually 9, since three are already completed at the end) with bonuses similar to those for a Legendary or Mythical Pokémon. Purchasing it is entirely optional, but those who are looking for something a little extra (to do this Community Day) or able to spend a few pennies can and should spend for it, since the benefits may be valuable beyond its price tag, in the same way the big-time paid Special Research provide theirs.

As for myself, I caught hundreds of Abra comfortably at home after activating 2 Incense one after another to last the entire length of the event. I also caught 18 Shiny Abra, the most so far out of any Community Day Shiny Pokémon, and evolved an assortment of them for different purposes. While I would usually venture for Field Research tasks among PokéStops for Community Day, I couldn't and didn't want to, though I received indication that they're much the same; it is at least a relief. What immensely helped were all the Poké Balls that my Buddy furnished for me as well as from Gifts and the Shop. I also paid for the Special Research and found that the most valuable gains from them were extra Incense to replace the ones I used, as well as an extra member of each species in the evolution family plus quite a bit of Abra Candy to add to the Candy stock. For its price, it was well worth the purchase.

Despite the limitations of the current global situation, this Community Day was anything but limited. It can be said to have "expanded" within the bounds of that situation. The usual features were there, but there were also a boatload of new features; though arguably some of the features are to alleviate what makes the current situation limiting, others like the paid Special Research and photobombing Pokémon potentially have great staying power. For now, the power lies in Trainers being able to stay at home but still being able to do what they need to do for Community Day, yet in an expanded manner. The hope is that once the current global limitations have been lifted, things will stay true to that expansion and everyone will have an even greater time with Community Day.

One year ago: The World Is All Here
Two years ago: I'll Be... The One
Three years ago: Shuffling in Alola

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