Sunday, April 19, 2020

Everyday Discoveries

Some time ago, there was a certain product with a certain slogan, the latter of which is present in the title of this post. I re-thought of this slogan today; initially I thought it wouldn't mean much, but then I thought about it some more, and it seems to fit into the framework of Pokémon in general and for me personally. I therefore decided to make it the topic of today's post.

In general, in many cases things that involve Pokémon can be considered an adventure where not everything is or was already known. Therefore, each day with that adventure may involve the discovery of something that wasn't known or dealt with before. These would then be the "everyday discoveries" that occur within those adventures, which would serve to make the adventure meaningful.

In my personal case, while I do know many things about Pokémon, I don't completely know everything. Therefore, each day becomes a day to discover something that I don't know and integrate it to what I already know. What I discover on those days are my "everyday discoveries", and taken together constitute my body of knowledge about Pokémon, which is ready to expand with further discoveries.

In any of these cases of "everyday discoveries", they may come by different ways. I could come upon the discoveries myself, and then I could merge them with what others know to come upon more discoveries for all of us. It might also be the reverse, with someone coming upon the discovery, which becomes both our discoveries. When these happen on a daily basis, that can mean a lot.

By the use of this slogan, that certain product invites its users to come upon meaningful things that expands worlds. By the same token, Pokémon itself can be regarded as inviting for coming upon things that expand one's breadth in relation to it. They make for amazing ways to make those "everyday discoveries" per the slogan. So too seems to be the case of how I "re-discovered" this slogan today and linked it with Pokémon.

One year ago: Local EX Raid (and a Whirlwind), 4/19/2019
Two years ago: Cracking the Case
Three years ago: Oddest Things with Pikachu

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