Thursday, April 9, 2020

Pokémon Upbringings

I'm a bit of a fan of history; I like to find out how things were once upon a time in the hope that something may be gained from them. Many kinds of history are important, including personal history - that of the upbringings of someone, how someone was raised. As with anything on this blog, I have to be able to relate it to Pokémon somehow. That's why for this post, I'd like to discuss Pokémon upbringings, as in the personal history of a person in relation to Pokémon.

It would perhaps help to start with that of my own. Now, I can't really be said to have a Pokémon upbringing, at least for most of my personal history where upbringing is a concern. I was late by around a decade before Pokémon presented itself. But in the few years of time that I would be considered to have had a "Pokémon upbringing", it really was an upbringing in some ways. I grasped a few things that served well for the rest of my upbringing years, and then to take note of even today. It wasn't much, but it was still sufficient, considering how Pokémon has persisted with me to today.

As for others, I'm sure that if they are or were able to recognize Pokémon within the years of upbringing, they certainly will have a Pokémon upbringing. This would be especially so if Pokémon pervades or continues to pervade the lives of the people in question. They would have the opportunity that I didn't have, which is to be familiarized with much of the workings of Pokémon for an extended time period, effectively being "raised" or "brought up" with it. It seems to be the neat fantasy of every Pokémon fan, being able to spend time with it like never before.

That fantasy seems to be at least a reality for the characters in the world of Pokémon themselves. They would get to know Pokémon in ways that real people could only dream of, perhaps even in ways that elude conceptions, realistic or otherwise. Sure, the common ways might still be dominant to some extent, but the uncommon ways might also make themselves evident in different ways or at the very least be hinted upon. And certainly, in this world, Pokémon would continue to be pervasive even if undesired, something that is true in the real world for other things.

Pokémon can conceivably fit into the personal histories of specific people. It can fit into mine, despite not being for very long, and it can fit into others, which can be for much longer. No matter how, it also fits into the people of the Pokémon world themselves. But however way it fits, it may prove to be something that can be looked back on, just like any significant piece of history, and prove to be useful for something to be gained later on. That should be appreciated for a history fan like me.

One year ago: Benefits
Two years ago: Ex-Raids and Cancellations
Three years ago: The (Current) Fate of the Megas

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