Friday, April 24, 2020

The Signature Electric Type Species

In discussing a set of neat rules and their application to Pokémon, I've discussed the first and second in some way, so now it's time for the third. When it comes to "turning on the power", there is nothing quite like Electric-type Pokémon. And when a Pokémon fan thinks about Electric types, one may think about the "signature" Electric types that represent each generation. It might be considered "unspoken" relative to the requisite starter Pokémon as well as the Legendary Pokémon that "bring up the rear", and yet they are a part just like anything else.

The one representing the first generation is undoubtedly Pikachu as the de facto mascot. For the second generation, there is its baby kin Pichu. The third generation has the "twins" of Plusle and Minun. The ones for the subsequent fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh generations are Pachirisu, Emolga, Dedenne, and Togedemaru respectively. The latest one to join the party is Morpeko from the eighth generation. They all appear to firmly establish the trend, and one may be expected for the next generation to come, as well as possibly further ones when things get there.

For the above mentioned Pokémon, they have unique and considerably diverse backgrounds. Pikachu and Pichu belong to the same evolutionary family, the latter possibly evolving into the former. Emolga and Dedenne are dual types, having Flying and Fairy as their other types respectively. Plusle and Minun are two separate representatives but from the same generation, while Morpeko has two distinct forms, one of which can be said to embody the rule I initially referenced. They all make things neat in their own ways for this group of Pokémon.

As for their usage, they may not seem to get much use in the games, specifically for competitive play, but when they do get used, they may become "heroes" in a sense. Pikachu and Pachirisu have been recognized as small VGC stars due to dramatic usage in one circumstance. Of the nine, only the first five thus far have appeared in Pokémon Go (Emolga perhaps sometime soon), and Plusle and Minun show a particular tendency for Great League PvP, while Pikachu and Pichu are underpowered unless they ultimately are made to evolve to Raichu. It might be possible to see them in different circumstances occasionally.

That third rule of adventure states that if one has doubt, one can "turn on the power" to make things go. For that purpose, Electric-type Pokémon seems to fit the bill based on the way they appear and act. It seems to be even more so if they are the signature species of the generation, which may indeed have their use and in particular to invoke the above rule in competitive play. With Pikachu as its de facto "leader of the pack", they are a veritable group of Pokémon with power that just might be able to do their thing when they need to, especially in light of that rule.

One year ago: Partners in Crime, Partners in Time
Two years ago: Pokémon Craft Figures - Mewtwo
Three years ago: Crossovers!

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