Thursday, April 16, 2020

Fanboys and Fangirls

Across different fandoms, there are surely some terms that are common. A couple of those terms are as mentioned in the title of this post, "fanboy" and "fangirl". They're both really terms with intense meanings, and to some extent they are applicable to Pokémon, which is why I've decided to take this post to explain about them. It's something I haven't done in any post since I've started this blog, so this is all the more reason to do so.

Regarding their general meanings, from what can be gathered, fanboys and fangirls are people who have a certain strong attachment, admiration, or devotion to a certain something that they like, more so than if they were just plain "fans". It would lead to those people doing crazy things and sometimes even being impervious to reason, which could explain why the terms may be considered provocative to some extent. It's no wonder why the two terms have intense meanings.

As for the applicability of these two terms, I'm sometimes in contact with other people who like Pokémon, and they can be considered fanboys or fangirls in a way. They, like me, have a strong liking of it to the point that they sometimes do odd things to show their liking. This is likely how they are perceived by others, which would classify them as such. I personally would be rather "on the fence" in classifying them as such, considering the nature of the terms themselves. It may be up to them to decide.

Perhaps I could consider myself to be a "fanboy" in that I have the strong liking as above and sometimes do crazy things - this blog possibly being considered one of them - but on the whole I also attempt to stay as rational as possible, keeping me from being fully on the "fanboy" side of things. It may not be a black-or-white matter for me personally, in the same way that it may not be black-or-white for the other people I contact with as above. The consideration may be up to certain particulars.

The terms of "fanboy" and "fangirl" are by no means limited to the Pokémon fandom; any fandom may potentially have either or both. Yet, they're also terms with intense connotations, so some prudence may be necessary in considering how they might apply. It's still worth to understand about them somehow in order to consider them in the light of all the people in a fandom, including for the ones to which the terms really apply.

One year ago: The First Unova Saga Japanese Opening Theme
Two years ago: Pokémon Go Community Day, 4/15/2018
Three years ago: Dialectics

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